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[The Day The City Falls]

I wonder what I'm gonna wear tonight-- am I even going to wear something at all? Am I even gonna go? Eric could be some kind of playboy or something.  I mean-- his smile is sort of stunning. If I do decide to go-- I should probably put on a little makeup-- is it even worth wasting some products?

I don't even know what to do anymore, I want to go-- but my mind and anti-social interaction trait is telling me-- No!

A large hand waving up and down in my face, distracting me from my deep thinking. I follow the large hand that has brought me back into reality.


(Michael)- "Hey-- I see you've returned" he says playfully.

(Y/n)- "Sorry-- I was thinking." I can't help but think about that guy, Eric. I'm suppose to meet with him later at the diner. I'm glad he chose a place I already know-- I'm kind of a regular there. 

(Michael)- "Or should I say who's on your mind?  " he raises an eyebrow. He can see right through me, Michael is good at getting what he wants. In this case, he wants to know any information I have that is bothering me. 

(Y/n)- "His name is Eric." I sigh.

(Michael)- "Ahhh-- okay, what else?" He leans on the edge of the counter, he seems very interested now. 

(Y/n)- "I'm getting a vibe from him." 

(Michael)- "What kind of vibe? Like I'm a serial killer, kind of vibe?" 

(Y/n)- "Mike-- he works at the library, I highly doubt he could be a killer." I shake my head side to side-- thinking how stupid that sounds. 

(Michael)- "First of all, don't ever call me Mike. You know I hate that nickname. Second, he works at the library, that place is crawling with homeless people. That's like a good place to start his streak." 

(Y/n)- " That would make sense why it smelled terrible when I walked in" I said under my breath. 

(Michael)- "Lastly, I get why you would think that, you haven't been on a real date for so long." he starts to lift his fingers up--counting how long I've been single.

(Y/n)- "Can you say that any louder?" I say in a stern, embarrassed voice.

(Michael)- " Louder? You want louder? " he grins. lifting his index finger--gesturing me to wait a moment.What is he grinning about? He walks over to the phone landline near the wall heading towards the staff backroom. Oh no! He's not?! He picks up the phone and presses the speaker button. 

(Michael)- " Sorry to make this sudden announcement, but if you could give your attention to the registers behind you--yes, this way. This woman behind the register is young, single-- yes, single-- you heard that boys! Single and ready to mingle. If you're interested come up--" I jump behind him-- grabbing the phone out of his hand. I slammed it down on the pad. He seems to be enjoying himself-- seeing he's burst into a rage of laughter. Customers in the background laugh-- and some even clapped. I feel my face getting hot. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now