CHAPTER FIFTY FOUR: (Y/n) Vs. Leon (Part Two)

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My hair is still damp from the surprise shower from earlier, it still stuns me that I had some kind of episode like that-- could it be from not taking those pills? I bite the inside of my cheek in thought

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My hair is still damp from the surprise shower from earlier, it still stuns me that I had some kind of episode like that-- could it be from not taking those pills? I bite the inside of my cheek in thought. I haven't been taking them... Maybe it was telling me that I should be.

I had changed out of my wet clothes and into some dry ones after Leon and I had a little disagreement but in the end I just agreed to his so called, condition. I do not need a babysitter to watch me, hell-- I am not going to sit here while Leon goes to retrieve that box. I should be the one to go.

I got up from bed heading to the office to get in contact with my people...aka Tanner. Now is a perfect time to call him while Leon is outside with major and Cyrano. I entered the office closing it behind me hearing it click as it shuts. Sitting down on the office chair I moved the mouse to see the background wallpaper of Chris and Claire. My fingers typing away on the computer seeing that Leon and Claire left some tabs open for me to see but luckily for them I don't know what to make of it. I type away getting onto the same messenger call I was on with Tanner the last time, I should probably call Chris instead-- maybe he'll agree with me on this. I clicked on Chris' name and it began to ring.


Still Waiting....

The call gets picked up but it wasn't Chris Redfield on the other end.

(Y/n)- "Tanner?" I furrow my eyebrows at the sight of him, not that I don't want to see him but -- whatever At least he's okay there's a bigger issue.

(Tanner)-" Do you know what time it is?" He spoke groggily and with a yawn.

(Y/n)- "It's good to see you but I called Chris" Tanner instantly woke up scooting closer to the screen.

(Tanner)-"Did he reach out to you?"

(Y/n)- "What? no-- What do you mean?"

(Tanner)-"No one here can find the Captain, he's just gone-- he's missing." Missing? Chris cant be just gone.

(Y/n)- " Are you sure you guys looked everywhere?"

(Tanner)-" Yes. He's not here at the base."

(Y/n)- "That's strange for him to not say anything..."

(Tanner)- " When I saw your name pop up on his laptop screen I figured he contacted you or something-- I don't know."

(Y/n)- " I'm sure he has his reasons for ghosting you all. Tanner, I called for a favor but since Chris is not available can you help me out?"

(Tanner)- "What's going on?" I hear a door slam, shit-- I think Leon came back inside the house.

(Y/n)- " I don't have much time to explain but can you trust me?"

(Tanner)- "Of course."

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now