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Continuing on our search for these statues, The hall we walk through was dark and the sound of a man pounding his fists on the glass straight ahead

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Continuing on our search for these statues, The hall we walk through was dark and the sound of a man pounding his fists on the glass straight ahead. Great...Another one is trying to get inside. We turn around the corner seeing a door at the end. I make my way around Leon as he picks up boards left behind and make it towards the window to cover it up. It may not be much but it might make it safer for us. I push forward on the door-- seeing it was pitch black inside. 

(Y/n)- "I need some light" I called for Leon's assistance. He makes his way over behind me, shining the light. The beam was enough to see a desk in the middle of the room, that's about all I can see. We walk through looking for a switch,Leon manages to find it first since he holds the light source. The room lights flickered on revealing this room was small, my eyes wondered--seeing a sign leading to another room in the back. 'Dark room' It's self explanatory. 

(Y/n)- "You think it's safe to be in here?" I ask quietly. He checks the back to be sure. 

(Leon)- "Yeah...I think so." I let out some air to relax my nerves. I pull out the rolling chair and sat my bum in it. It's not as comfy as I thought it would be, but it's something. Leon begins to search the lockers nearby, finding ammo and other things. 

(Y/n)- "Where do we go from here?"  I ask lifting my legs up on the chair--criss cross. 

(Leon)- " We head upstairs check each floor, could be something useful lying around." He checks the clip in his handgun, making sure it was loaded. I feel safe in this little room--but if this area were to get swarmed, I would be dead since there is no other way out of this room. I set my legs back on the ground, I hunch over in the chair with my elbows resting on my knees. I don't know if I'm mentally or physically prepared to go back out there. 

I could take the easy way out and find my way back out to get back to Marvin but I hear this voice in my head--saying to keep going, be strong. That voice, It's Michael's. I shake my head at the thought of him, If I want to keep going I have to put my emotions to the side. No time to mourn.I exhale out and stood up adjusting the vest. 

(Y/n)- "Okay---lead the way" I bite my tongue from taking back my words. A little bit of me wants to stay here and hide.

(Leon)- "You don't want to take a minute?" 

(Y/n)- " No. Not really." But I really do. He takes a second to look at me, a corner of his mouth curls into a small grin. 

(Leon)- "Okay, I'll take lead." he lightly chuckles. He nods and he leads out first. The man at the window continues to bang his fists at the window, he first has to break through the glass and make his way to the wooden boards. It will take him some time to get in. Leon makes a right-- aiming the light up the pitch black staircase leading up. That little bit of courage is slowly disappearing. Leon takes the first step, leading the way up. He holds the light-- guiding us through. My eyes look below me-- barely  seeing where I'm going. My foot raises to step up again-- but it missing the mark making me jerk forward. My face crashing into leon's back-- my hand grasping onto his arm for support. His arm tenses to keep me sturdy as I hold onto him. He waves the light next to me. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now