CHAPTER FIFTY THREE: (Y/n) Vs. Leon (Part One)

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The ball was wet, torn and almost completely falling out of its outer layer. Major must really like this brand of dog toys. I toss the ball across the yard landing near the end of the fence, Major couldn't wait-- he ran towards it, scooping it up in his mouth and running back to me. I don't know how he learned to play fetch but it makes it easier that he bring it to me instead of me chasing it from him. He drops the ball at my feet and lays down with his tongue out panting. 

(Y/n)-"Me too, boy. here to the end of the fence-- I'd be dying gasping for air too." I sat down beside him and pet the top of his frry head. I looked up into the sky seeing barely any stars shining tonight, it's also very quiet... probably no one is up at this time. 

The steaks Leon made for us tasted amazing, Claire was right when she said I'd be in for a treat. I'm curious what kind of dishes I'll be eating in the future. 


Why does that word bother me? 

It's him and I, we're finally together...but I forgot that he said I'll be marking those days off the calendar waiting for him to return from an assignment. I agreed.

Damn right I agreed. I wasn't going to let him go again. As much as its slightly annoying me I'll make sure the future for us will be all worth fighting for.

I laid back laying my head on the cold grass getting a full view of just the dark colored sky.  My arms started to get goosebumps, this view.... it brought back when I was dying-- mutating that night. I looked up into the sky shutting my eyes and first thing that came to mind was my friends, Niko and Morgan. Their faces... Their smiling faces, I see them. I even hear their voices...their laughs in my ears.

(Niko)-"Brought my girls some freshly brewed coffee from Starbucks"

(Morgan)-"Since when are we your girls?"

(Niko)-"Oh you don't want free? That'll be two dollars and forty five cents."

(Y/n)-" Oh I'll stick with free, I'll even do your paperwork if this is free."

(Niko)-" See Morgan, why can't you kiss my ass like that?"

(Morgan)-" Cause last time you bought coffee I was in the bathroom for forty five minutes."

(Niko)-" That was last time, this time I made sure there's nothing that's gonna disturb your stomach. Look, no whipped cream, the cup says soy on it."

(Morgan)-" I'll take it but I'll send you the two dollars. I gotta go to a brief meeting so I'll talk to you guys later."

(Niko)-" Atta girl. See you later"

(Y/n)-" Niko... You switched the cups didn't you?"

(Niko)-" Well damn...she's gonna miss her meeting.  Febreze the bathroom before you go in after her."

(Y/n)-" You're so mean"

(Niko)-" When I say, 'don't eat my snacks in the fridge', don't eat my snacks in the fridge."

I lightly chuckle in my throat, that memory was a few weeks before Kamil transferred.  Later that day Morgan texted me saying to bring her more toilet paper. The corners of my eyes felt a sting, I miss them both. Why am I thinking about this right now? If Morgan was here she would slap the back of my head telling me to stop being sad and be happy. I can picture Niko's wide smile and sitting in the middle of us with his arms around our shoulders hugging us and saying "My Girls".

A tear escaped the corners and slide down to my ear, if they can see me right now-- you guys .. I miss you.

(Leon)-" Little chilly out." His voice appears making me open my eyes sitting up. He had his knees bent crouched to pet major giving him belly rubs and pats.

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