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My heart feels like it jumped out of my chest and flopped to the ground disintegrating into ash and taken by the wind

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My heart feels like it jumped out of my chest and flopped to the ground disintegrating into ash and taken by the wind. My throat sting like pins and needles poking at a freshly open cut wound, this was the first time I've ever heard my scream knowing I will lose the ones closest to me. That pain hurts above all anything else. 

I didn't want to open my eyes-- but keeping them closed heightens my hearing and I don't want to hear either. My mind welcomes negativity inside and completely show me images of Tanner and Leon being devoured by the BOWs, tearing off pieces of their limbs, blood painting the streets a dark dirty red, their screams echoing in my ears. No, No, no! It cant-- they cant....

A painful pressure stings the side of my head, I held my head in between my hands-- you'll be okay (Y/n), I'm okay... I'm okay.

I have to see no matter how much it fucking terrifies me. My eyes refuse to open. 

Look up. 

I can't. 

Look up!

My head lifts up and my eyelids open seeing Kamil in the center with his back turned to me,  Tanner on the left....Leon on the right. Their backs on the ground with BOWs on top pinning them down. their chests are still rising and falling-- their still alive. How can that be? 

(Kamil)- "Kill them!" he shouts at the BOWs but they stay frozen still. They haven't attacked them yet-- what's going on? Kamil takes a stomp forward almost cracking the ground beneath him. 

(Kamil)-"Kill! " The BOW pinning Tanner growls obeying his order, it stuck its elongated tongue and wrapped it around Tanner's Neck. The gasps escaping his mouth brought the images of him getting devoured.

(Y/n)- "No!" My voice cracks-- feeling the pins and needles inside. the BOW stops again. Kamil looks over his shoulder giving me a glare, he looks back to the BOWs seeing they are not doing what he has ordered them to do. 

the pressure against my head comes back--hitting a lot harder than the first. I groan holding my head to somewhat try to make it tolerable. What is going on? why is this happening? The BOWs are listening to me-- stopping when I say no, they are also obeying Kamil's order-- they're conflicted but still listening to us. 

(Y/n)-"Let them go!" I yelled, ignoring the sting in my throat. The BOWs all back away slowly, the one with it's tongue wrapped around Tanner's neck releases and he's able to breathe again. 

I can control them! 

A little smile appeared on my face but soon disappears when Kamil is stomping his way to me. 

(Leon)-" (Y/n)!" he yells my name in worry. 

(Kamil)-"Kill him." he ordered while giving me a death glare still heading towards me. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now