CHAPTER SIXTY TWO: Anything Could Happen (Part Two)

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(Tanner)- "So how's this gonna play out?" he whispers to us. 

(Leon)- "You take right, I'll take left." he says as he lightly grabs my forearm guiding me behind him as usual-- towards the back for protection. He hasn't said anything what my part in the plan is.  It's always been like this-- Leon is always protecting me making feel like I'm the girl who always needs saving. I cannot let anything happened to them-- my foot lifts about to rebel against his wishes to protect me. 

(Leon)- "(Y/n). You take center." My foot halts mid step when he spoke, he doesn't even look over his shoulder to look at me. 

(Leon)-" You should be able to get a clear hit while he's focused on us, we'll be able to detain him." A smile slowly appearing on my beaten up face, we're doing this together instead of me being in the back. 

(Y/n)-"Got it." I say with a single head nod, I push back the smile-- now's the time to get serious.  I look behind us seeing the BOWs leaping from abandon car to building-- right behind them is the horde of infected.

(Leon)- "We'll worry about them later, lets take him down quickly." 

(Kamil)- "I wont make it that easy!" He yells as he charges us head on. Tanner rushes and Leon follows-- I do the same just seconds behind. Kamil ducks under Tanner's attack and blocks Leon's incoming punch, I come in twisting my body into a running side kick. At the last second he grabs onto Leon by his holster and yanks him in front of my kick. Leon takes the the full force kick hearing him painfully groan, Kamil lets out a dark laugh and spins holding Leon and chucks him to me. Leon practically spears me in the abdomen causing me to fall on my back with him on top of me. The both of us groan in pain by the impact.

(Leon)-"Y-you okay?" he spoke through the aching. 

(Y/n)-"Y-yeah. I'm fine" He starts to get up and lends a hand out for me to take, 
I place my hand in his and he lifts me back up. Tanner and Kamil are battling one on one seeing the knife in Kamil's hands, Tanner is giving it his all not to get slashed. Leon rushes to help, I take a second to observe Kamil's fighting style, it's matching almost perfectly with Leon's-- Tanner can hardly keep up. Watching them fight reminds me of Arias. Arias knew when to attack and to counter, Kamil is doing the exact same thing...Shit. Is there a way to kill him? bullets will just go through him, he'll heal if we just stab him-- there's got to be a way!

Kamil kicks Leon in his right knee causing him to kneel involuntary, Tanner goes for a punch but Kamil blocks it leaving Tanner open-- Kamil takes the knife and stabs it right into Tanner's left shoulder.My eyes widen hearing him yell out in pain.

(Y/n)-"Tanner!" I rush over towards him as Leon and Kamil continue to fight. Tanner sat resting on his knees look down at his shoulder, it couldve been worse if he wasnt wearing the vest. 

(Tanner)-"Aghh-- aint that some shit!" he groans as he yanks out the knife tossing it to the ground. 

(Y/n)-"Put pressure on that." I grab his hand placing it on the wound with mine on top of his wound pressing down, his blood leaks through his fingers and stains my hands. Shit-- no, no, no-- fuck! Nothing was suppose to happen to them! 

(Tanner)-"Don't pout like that.....I'm not dead yet." 

(Y/n)-"You shouldn't be here in the first place!" 

(Tanner)- "And how do you expect to take him down on your own?" I have nothing to say, if these two weren't here-- I probably would have been dead already.

(Y/n)-"There has to be a way to stop him.....and them" I say as I look over my shoulder to the horde. 

(Tanner)-"I volunteer." he lightly chuckles.

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