CHAPTER FIFTY FIVE: Something To Think About

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My leg begins to shake uncontrollably, first it was the left now it is the right

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My leg begins to shake uncontrollably, first it was the left now it is the a few moments it'll be shaking at the same time. I feel horrible for what I did--how I left back there, he'll wake up at any moment realized he's failed protecting me. 

I'm sorry, Leon-- but this is the only way You'll be safe.

(Tanner)-"Will you relax?" Tanner walks in the middle aisle of the aircraft holding onto straps to keep him balanced. If he's here then he must've switched the aircraft on autopilot or one of Porter's friends, Monroe, I think he's name was-- he's probably keeping this thing in the air. 

(Y/n)-"How can I relax?" I say as I shrug and sink in my seat. 

(Tanner)-"So you knocked his lights out with a flower pot, I'm sure he can take a hit or two." he says as he sits next to me. 

(Y/n)- "Tanner...." I say his name in a whine like tone. 

(Tanner)- " Alright, fine. Talk to me-- what's eating you?"

(Y/n)- "He probably hates me now." 

(Tanner)- " Don't be Stupid, (L/n). Are you kidding me?" he smacks the back of my head. 

(Y/n)- "Ow-- what?" 

(Tanner)-"No matter what happens between you two he'll never hate you." 

(Y/n)-" How do you know that?" Again I get a slap to the back of the head. 

(Tanner)-"You deserve that one, how do you not see it?" 

(Y/n)- "Tell me" 

(Tanner)-"It's just my observation, the way I see it is Leon doesn't know what the hell he's doing." My brows furrow at that answer.

(Y/n)-"Explain better, Tanner" 

(Tanner)-" You told me that he said to you that he hasn't been involved with someone in long time, he probably doesn't know what to do in a relationship anymore since all he mainly focuses on is his missions. When you guys were partners he protected you from danger cause he has feelings for you, he's going to protect that precious thing that makes him happy--which is you." If what he's saying is, hypothetically true, then there are a lot of things Leon has done that contradicts one after another....or am I just overthinking?

(Y/n)-"Then what about him leaving and coming back, being kind of controlling and overprotective to name a few." 

(Tanner)- "The leaving and returning-- he was pushing you away to stay out of his 'world' as he calls it, he was fighting with himself. He wanted to keep you far away from him but he was also attached to you, A battle between sacrificing someone he cares about or sacrificing all-people-of-earth-and-we all get eaten by giant BOWs. As for the controlling and protectiveness-- it's simple."

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now