CHAPTER SIXTY THREE: You're So Very Special

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He lets out a sinister laugh-- proud of what he's done. 

(Kamil)- "This worked out better than I thought" he pushes the metal shard deeper into her body, hearing her choke on her own blood.

My body still feels numb-- its locked into the place. 

(Tanner)-"You son of a bitch!" he ran passed me and attempts to attack Kamil. Kamil back flips away and Tanner drops to his knees weakly. (Y/n) drunkenly stumbles backward until her body loses balance,Shit-- she's gonna fall! I rush and caught her holding her in my arms as we slowly sink to the ground. She rests in my lap feeling her body tremble.

(Leon)-"No, No, No-- " I say in a panic like tone. The metal shard deep in the center of her chest just below her breasts, blood staining her uniform-- my eyes look into hers seeing fear inside them. She opens her mouth to speak but she's got blood in her throat, she turns her chin to the left to cough it out spraying the pavement red. 

(Y/n)-"Le-Le-on" She looks down at the metal shard her eyes widen-- she's in shock at the sight of it. A cry escapes her mouth with a painful groan yelp, Tears were already streaming down from the corners of her eyes.

(Leon)-"I got you-- you're gonna be okay" I took a longer look at the metal shard deep into her chest, I know in the back of my mind the one thing I thought would never happen. It's moving quickly to the front to frighten me. 

(Y/n)-"Gahh-- aghhh!" She squirms in my lap causing her to groan aching in pain. Her hands shaking reaching towards the metal to grab onto it-- if she yanks it out....

(Leon)-"D-Don't touch it" I gently move her hands away from the shard.She stares at the sky-- biting her lip holding back the suffering. 

(Leon)-"It's alright-- (Y/n)." I held her closer to my chest-- feeling her body continuing to tremble--shaking vigorously.

(Leon)-"What were you thinking?" I say in a low tone. 

(Y/n)-"I-I had to....I-h-had to" She says weakly as blood leaves a trail at the side of her mouth. My hand wipe away the blood leaving a slight faded red smear.


(Y/n)-"He w-would've k-killed y-y-you..." her voice cracks. 

I look down back at the shard, this could've been me-- but instead she put herself at risk to save me. Her mouth heavily pouts wanting to let out a heavy emotional cry but she holds it back.

For the first time....

I don't know what to do.....

(Y/n)-" Take it out." She whispers.

(Leon)-"That'll make it worse"If I pull the shard out it'll do more damage, this is keeping her alive...even though she's suffering.

(Y/n)-" Maybe I'll heal"

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now