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Present Day

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Present Day


(Leon's Voice)-" I can sit here and tell you it was plain and simple. I won't do that. I remember their names, their faces. Raccoon City is a place I will never forget."

I toss and turn in bed, feeling the once cool sheets, now-- hot and uncomfortable. My hands dig into my pillow to try to fluff it up to make it cool but it didn't work. I turn to my back laying face up on the bed, my eyes viewing the ceiling but couldn't actually see since it was the middle of the night. A sigh escapes from my mouth, my head turns to the right, seeing his side of the bed to be empty. My hand lays flat on the linen sheet.

I can still hear his words in my ears. The way he began his story, meeting Claire Redfield while arriving to the city. I've never met Claire-- I know she's Chris's younger sister. Even Chris trained her, I really feel like I'm part of Chris's team. Family almost. 

I turn to my side--still viewing the empty space. Leon was a rookie cop when it started, This I already knew. He was scared, didn't know what was happening. Bodies he thought were dead and gone-- just started to rise up on their feet. The people he met, like Marvin Branagh, he even remembered his last name. They were in it together, Marvin gave him in order to stay alive and escape. Leon is still here, he's still alive. 

(Leon's Voice)- "I was alone most of the time...but there were others I've met along the way. Marvin wasn't the only one that helped me."  His voice echos in my ears still, his calm, smooth voice.  

I propped myself on my forearms-- eyes searching for my phone near the nightstand next to the bed. I turn over and reached out to grab my phone, pressing the home button for my eyes to be blinded by the light. My eyes squinted-- adjusting to the brightness of my screen. After a moment, in bright white font letters-- 3:07 am. I should be sleeping, getting some rest--making sure my dark circles lessened..but I can't. For some reason-- tonight--I can't. Why?

I scooted to the edge of the bed, feet touching the floor. Where is he? Why isn't he in our bed? A small grin started forming on my face. Is it really Our bed?

Ignoring that thought, I stood on my feet--making my way out of the bedroom. It creaked as I open it widely--making my presence known. There sitting in the living room, with just a lamp turned on giving him minimal light, his back was towards me with his head down in his lap.

Being careful not to make a fool of myself-- taking each step down slow and steady. once I made it to the final step-- I walked over towards him--making my way around to view him in a black t-shirt, jeans and boots. Seeing him in casual clothes still gives me chills-- but in a good way. He knows how to look casual yet ready for anything. At this moment, he looks like he's preparing for the worst. I don't like the aura surrounding him. I stood close by as he has his elbows propped up on his knees with his head to the ground and his dark bangs hanging low. Beside him on the cushion was his device, my chest started tightening at the sight of it. Is he gonna say something or do I have to?

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now