5. dinner

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After leaving Dabi's house I finally made it back home safely. When I walked into my room I saw my shipment in the living room. As soon as I closed the door I fell to my knees. Gasping for air. Breathing hard. My face turning red.

"What the hell was that? Why was he touching my face like that?" I felt my cheek where Dabi touched and blushed.

"Why can't I stop thinking about him. I only just met him. Ugh what is thiiiis?" She groaned. "His eyes...those beautiful bright blue eyes...they're magnificent. He's incredibly handsome too..."

So many emotions were going through my head. I didn't know what to feel. I didn't know whether if this was love or not.

I've never experienced what I had with Dabi with anyone else before. So this...is all new to me. It's kinda scary.

I suddenly heard a loud but fast knocking on my door.

"What the fuck?"

"______?! ______!? I know you're in there! I can smell you! Open up! Ogami!" She says as she continues to knock rapidly and sniff around.

I better open before she breaks my door down I thought.

I laugh as I opened the door and Yuzu was there with a worried look on her face.


"______! Oh my gosh. Where were you? Where have you been?! I came back home late last night and I didn't see you home and I started to worry!"Yuzu hugged me so tight as she whined like a puppy with her ears droopy.

"Ugh...Yuzu...I can't breathe."

She lets go of her tight grip.

"Oh sorry. I'm not really aware of my own strength." She laughs. "Where have you been?!"

"Yuzu calm down. Something happened to me. I was attacked while I was on my way home from the grocery store last night." She replied.

Yuzu's eyes widen.

"OH HEEELL NO! WHO ARE THEY? IM GONNA KILL THEM. WAIT IS THEIR SCENT STILL ON YOU. HOLD STILL _____." She said as she starts to sniff all around me. Grabbing ahold of me by my arms. It felt awkward, when she was sniffing me. Goosebumps went all throughout my body and the hair on my arms stood up.

*sniff* *sniff*

"Yeaaah uh about that." I replied as I scratched my head. I probably smell bad.

Yuzu stops sniffing me and lets go as she wipes her nose with a disgusting look on her face. She shakes her head.

"Uh _____?"


"What is that god awful smell? You smell like smoke and ash. Not to mention cologne too. I've never smelled that scent before."

"Yeah um, I was actually saved by someone."


"Some hero named Dabi."

"Huh. Hero? Dabi?  Never heard of a pro hero with a name like that. Huh they must be new. But what happened?"

"He saved me and took me to his house and bandaged me up while I was unconscious. That's where I was last night and where I just came from...he also gave me his shirt cause my shirt was torn up from last night.."I replied as I blushed. I don't why but whenever I think about him my heart races.

Yuzu looks down with a sad expression on her face and her ears droop down.


Yuzu clenches her fists.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now