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"Alright _____ your room is ready-" his eyes widened as he sees his entire house cleaned up. He stopped midway down the stairs. It smelled refreshing, the smell of sweet strawberries and flowers filled his nose.

"Thanks Hawks." She replied as she was fanning herself with a magazine on the couch. Everything from the kitchen to the living room was clean. It was spotless.

"Wow, I never thought I'd ever see my house this clean again." He laughs as he made his way to the couch and sits down.

"Yeah well you better get used to it since I'm gonna be staying here."

"Hehehaha thank you."

"Where's Luca?"

"He's asleep upstairs in your room. I didn't have a doggy bed so I just put a few blankets and a pillow on the floor for him."

"Hmm thank you."

"Thank you for cleaning." He smiled.

"I appreciate you letting me stay here." She said as she rolled her sleeves up cause she was hot and it revealed minor scars from that night. Hawks sees the scars and his smile disappears.

Oh _______. I still can't forgive myself for not being there for you that night....but now I will be. Always.. he thought.

He sighs and gives ______ a fake smile. "Of course. I could use some company here anyways."

"Huh? I thought you had a girlfriend or something. You know your assistant back at the agency?"

"Huh? No I don't. She just pretends we're dating so she can tell her friends and act like a big shot. She's obsessed with me. She's not my type anyways."

"What are you picky or something?" I asked and his face turned red as he looked into my eyes.

Not really...I'm just waiting for the right one, but I'm looking right at her... Hawks thought.

"Wow. Never knew that Pro Hero Hawks was such a picky guy when it comes to women hahaha. Well I'm gonna go shower, and don't even think about taking a peek you perv."

"Whaat? I'm not a perv!" He said as he began sweating nervously.

"Okaay sure."


I sighed as I lay flat on the bed facing the ceiling with my arms spread out. Hawks gave me a pair of his sweats and hoodie for me to sleep in since most of my clothes were burned to nothing.

"_______?" Hawks knocks at my door.

"Come in."

"Are are you sure? You're not naked or anything r-right?" He asked as he twiddled his fingers and blushed.

"No I'm not. I would never let you see me naked dumb bird."

He walks in and blushes even harder when he sees her wearing his big hoodie.

Ahhh! She looks so adorable!! Hawks thought.

"How are you doing?" He asked as he sat next to me on the bed.

"Tch what part of 'don't worry about me' do you not understand?"

"As my guest it's my job to know how you're feeling. I care about you." He said as his heart skipped a beat.


"Just wanted to come by and say goodnight. If you need anything you know where my room is and you know if you wanna maybe....cuddle... my door is always open-"

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now