62. I finally found you

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

- time skip -

It's been a months since I've been at the SWA, and honestly it's been going pretty smoothly. Katsuki and I have been keeping the streets safe, Ryo has been keeping everyone on check back at the agency, Ells is sober and doing better for Haru's sake and Hawks....yeah I still live with him.

"Alright, which area am I patrolling today?" Katsuki asked as he stretched while looking at the white board filled with areas to patrol.

"You and I are going to patrol Sector 3 Area D."

"Hah? We're patrolling together?" He snarled.

"Yes. That is where villain activity is high. Its kinda far from the city and we're the only agency that is close by." I said and he growls.

"Can't I just go by myself?" He asked and I shook my head. "It's a big area."


Katsuki and I patrolled the area together.

We were walking down the sidewalk and that's when I heard something familiar...

My heart dropped because it's a familiar humming tune that, only my mom knows.

I froze and turned around as people walked by and my eyes widened.

" even his personality was dark. His eyes, were eyes of murderer. Silver hair, with a piercing on his lip and nose. Black nail polish and a scar on his left eye."

I suddenly remembered those words Itaru used to describe my mom's killer.

It was him...

He was humming the same tune my mom used to hum to me!

I-I I don't know what to do!! S-Should I attack him right now? Should I walk away and wait for the right time?? WHAT DO I DO?!?

That's when Katsuki grabbed my hand and said, "______ are you okay? You need to calm down." He said quietly as him and I noticed that black lines were flowing through my body and my eyes were turning black.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I looked back to where the killer was walking and he was gone!

"I-I saw him..."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I saw....my mom's killer." I said and brushed his hand off of me and bolted after him to try and find him. I jumped on the rooftops and jumped from building to building looking for him.

I can't let him escape! What if he kills another person again? How could he walk in plain sight like that?! ______ thought.

"Where is he?!" I growled.


"Huh?" I turned around and found Katsuki coming after me.

"What the hell? Stop making it a habit of leaving me all the time!" He growled as he walks up to me the rooftop.

"Sorry." I sighed.

After our patrol we went back to the agency at the end of the day. Katsuki went home but I didn't.

"Okay Ms. Saphira I'm here for the night, you can go home." Ryo said as she puts a stack of papers down on my desk for her to do but I didn't budge.

"Is everything okay Ms. Saphira?" She asked and I do a little nod.

Maybe I should go home. Maybe I should just sleep this off. I can't stop shaking my leg because this whole thing is making me anxious.

I ended up going home, taking a shower and hopping into bed but, for some reason I couldn't sleep!

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