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"What the fuck....is going on here?!" Dabi growled seeing ____ and Katsuki hugging.

"D-Dabi? Hey babe-" I said as I pulled away from Katsuki's arms.

"Don't you fucking 'hey babe' me. What the fuck is going on?! I thought you were going to be with Mina today?!" He growled as he interrupted her. 

I stood in shock. I didn't know what the hell was going on with him. I didn't know why he was acting like that. Did something happen while I was gone? I looked over at Katsuki and he had an angry expression on his face.

A few minutes ago...

Dabi's POV

"Ugh when the fuck is she going to come home? I miss her....fuck....maybe...I should get a drink.."

What _____ doesn't know is that I have a hidden stash of alcohol locked up back at my place. But I shouldn't drink. I promised her that I'd go sober.


"What a drag.." Dabi finished cleaning the whole house and went to sit on the couch as he held Aiko.

"Aiko, when is she coming back? Did...she leave me? No she wouldn't...but I need her right now! Where the hell is she? I don't want to be abandoned again. She didn't text me all day today other than an hour after she left the house." I said as I had Aiko in my lap. Then I suddenly heard ______'s laughter in the hallway.

"Huh? She's finally home!" Dabi smiled as he got up quickly dropping Aiko on the ground. He ran towards the door opening the door widely....only to see her hugging another guy.... His heart dropped when he saw.


Reader's POV

"Hey don't talk to her like that you idiot!" Katsuki says as he defends me.

"Babe...what's going on?" I asked as Katsuki and Dabi both gave each other a death stare. The tension in the room was crazy.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Dabi yelled as he ran towards Katsuki pushing me to the side taking him down as they both crashed through the window and falling nine stories landing on top of him as they fell into a bush.

"DABI! KATSUKI!" I cried out as I got back on my feet looking over the edge seeing them fight.

"No no no no! Shit! I need to stop them before they kill each other!" I mutter as I'm seeing blue flames and explosions everywhere.

"You....fucking.....bastard! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HUGGING MY GIRL?!" Dabi yelled as he sat on top of Katsuki body punching him in the face as blood splatters. Just before he could get another punch Katsuki grabs ahold of his fist.

"Is...that the best you got asshole?" Katsuki smirked as Dabi's eyes widened. Katsuki faced his palm towards him. Sparks shined in his eyes as he blew Dabi off his body sending him flying into a nearby grassy field. Katsuki blasted his way after him. He was heated. Dabi got back on his feet as he aimed his blue flames towards Katsuki he dodged his attack as he flipped to the side and blasted behind Dabi.

"DIIE!" He yelled out as he blew him away. Dabi rolled in the dirt as he coughed up blood.

"HEH IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT YOU BURNT BITCH!?" Katsuki growled as Dabi's eyes widened.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Dabi growled as he ran towards him with flames in his hands as Katsuki did the same with sparks in his hands.

"HAAAAAAAAH!" They both exclaimed as they were about to strike each other. Just before contact both of their wrists were grabbed and gripped tightly as claws dug into their skin. They were flipped and thrown in opposite directions.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now