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After washing up from today's training I went straight to bed texting Dabi.

Hey Dabi!❤️. Just got back home. You still up?

Dabi quickly responds.

Yeah what's up baby girl?

What are you doing tm?

Nothing why?

Great I'm taking you on a date 🥰

Date? Uh sure. I'm down.😊

I'll tell you the details tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Have a good night❤️

Yeah you too.

Tch... a date? I've never been on a date before...let alone had a girlfriend. I wonder what she has planned for us... Dabi thought.

I woke up the next morning going straight to Hawk's agency. I was really excited about my date with Dabi today.

At training, Hawks helped me all throughout the morning with my telekinesis, helping me get in more control with it. And to be more comfortable using it. And it was just as I suspected, my headaches are cause by my telekinesis. If I use it for too long I end up getting the biggest headache afterwards and my nose starts to bleed.

"Haha you're doing great _____. Be one with your quirk."

"Tch yeah whatever dumb bird." I rolled my eyes at him.

Hours after training I walked straight home. Even though Hawks offered me a "ride" I still refused. As soon as I got home I texted Dabi.

Be Hey Dabi! I'm home. Meet me at my house. I'm going to freshen up ok.

Ok omw

I got undressed and made my way into the shower. Washing off all the training I had this morning. Afterwards I got dressed, I decided to put on something cute cause why not? I put on a red summer dress with white shoes.

(A/N: Or whatever you want to wear. I prefer shoes cause I hate wearing heels😖)

I put light makeup on with a natural look and then I heard a knock on my door.

Huh..it must be Dabi. That was quick.. I thought as I walked up opening the door seeing Dabi dressed in all black,wearing a black hoodie with the hood over his head.

Like as if he didn't want to be seen...

I guess his favorite color is black...😅 he looks good in black though.. She thought.

"Hey Dabi!"

"Hey babe...wow you look beautiful in that dress." He blushes.

"Thank you. You ready to go?"


"Alright let's go!"

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now