50!!! happy birthday _______, i love you..

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A/N: this picture of Keigo *chef's kiss* 😍. He's adorable

‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

- time skip -

It was just a regular day at the agency. Hawks and ______ had just got done patrolling for the day and they just finished going over today.

"So ______, there's something I want to give you." Hawks smiled.

"Eh? What is it?"

He hands me a little rectangular box. It was terribly wrapped with a small bow on it.

"Here. Sorry about the wrapping. My wrapping skills aren't the best ahaha." He said rubbing his neck and I grabbed the box.

"Ha I can see that." I ripped the wrapping paper off and opened it, only to see a pair of black glasses. The same design as my current ones.

"Hehe thank you Hawks but I already have glasses you idiot." I smiled.

"Yeaaah well I wanted to get you a new pair since you said you've always asked for a new pair but never got any. So I decided to get you some myself."

"Ahh so you were listening." I said and he blushed. "Y-Yeah of course." He replied.

"Thank you, I really appreciate this. I don't think my glasses can stay together any longer." She laughed taking off her current glasses and looked at Hawks.

His eyes widened as his wings fluttered. He's never seen ______ without her glasses before. He blushes a bit as she grabs the new pair and puts them on. His heart skipped a beat.

"They fit perfectly! Thank you Hawks!"

Why don't you ever say my name? I want you to call me by my name... Hawks thought.

"Hehe you're welcome ______."

"But what's with the gift?" I asked.

"Wha- don't tell me you forgot?"

"Forgot about what?"

"It's your birthday today!" He smiled and my eyes widened.

Shit! I totally forgot it was my birthday today. With so much hero work going on, I never really payed any attention to my birthday.. _____ thought.

"No I couldn't possibly forget my own birthday hehe."

"Yeah okay hahaha. But I know I said we'd be getting done at a decent time but you know these villains, they just don't stop. But take the rest of the day off,  you've earned it. You got any plans for tonight?" Hawks asked as I pushed my glasses up against my nose.

"Uh I don't know. Maybe my friends have something planned for me that I don't know about. I guess I'll see once I get home. But if not I'll let you know. We haven't gotten lunch in a while huh?" I smiled and he blushes.

"Yeah you're right. But I'm afraid I'll have to say no. I still have to do some work here unfortunately. But for what it's worth, happy birthday ______ Ogami!"

"Thank you. I'll be on my way then! See you tomorrow!" I got up and waved goodbye walking out the room as Hawks waved.


As I'm walking home I felt a sharp pain on my side.

"Ahhh I'm so sore...and worn out. That villain earlier had some punch!" I said feeling up against my ribs.

I'll probably just go home and rest and spend time with Luca. But I haven't heard from Dabi all day today. Haven't seen him since this morning before I left. Hope he's ok.

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