45. fire on fire

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"________. Wake up. Wake up ______!" Dabi was kissing my forehead trying to wake me up but I just wanted to stay in bed. This is the first time in a week that I've been able to sleep in until now.

"Mmmm what is it babe." I groaned keeping my eyes shut. He starts poking me, shaking me until i woke up and I did. "Ughh whaaat?" I sat up, my hair messy and rubbed my eyes.

"Come on, let's go walk Luca." Dabi smiled.

"Do I have to?" I whined. I was tired. I didn't feel like moving. "Yes, you've been gone for about a week and I want to spend time with you babe."

"You can spend time with me in bed." She replied.

"We did that last night." He said with a smirk and I froze and he chuckled.

"Let me rephrase that, we want to spend time with you." I look up and see Dabi holding Luca in his arms as he wagged his tail. I couldn't say no to that. "Alright fine." I got up and went straight to the shower.


We walked to a nearby dog park and let Luca run around as he pleased as Dabi and I watched from a distance. Dabi wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I could tell he was happy to be with me again.

"How are you feeling babe?" He asked. "I'm feeling better now. I think a few of my scars are just about done healing." I lifted my hands and look at the minor scars I had.

"You fought like a badass huh?" He smirked.

"Ahaha-yeah you can say that." I smiled but my smile goes away in a second. I had a flashback of when I nearly lost control when I thought Michiru died. Then out of no where my flames...were black.

My Demon-Flame.

I didn't know that I could do such thing. It only happens whenever I get mad and almost lose my shit, my darkness syncs with my other elements and makes them 2x stronger. It affects both me and whoever I hit.

But the downside is, when my elements sync with my Darkness I get 2x more worn out. Having quirks like me, can have deep side effects on my body after use. It's dangerous really.

My own quirks are a danger to my own self.

Some people might think it's not and it's a blessing and I'll be unstoppable having these quirks. But it's not.

Images of her Demon-Flame burning her hands badly, and the way it burned everything until there was nothing left came to her mind. She sighs and Dabi looks over to her. "What's wrong beautiful?"

"Darkness: DEMON-FLAME!" Her own words echoed and she shook her head.

"Can I tell you something?" She asked he nods, he knew something was bugging her so he listened.

"The night, we fought Kyro, something strange happened to me. Something that I never thought was possible for me to do."

"What did you do?" He asked as he rubs my shoulder.

"When I thought Michiru died, my darkness took control of my fire element. And it made my fire change its color and it burned 10x more than any flame. It turned black. It burned my hands so much, my hands didn't look like hands anymore but somehow I was still able to function and fight." She said as she looks down at her hands.

"You said you have a cremation quirk right?"

"Yeah. So what?"

"Well, I was thinking...what if you trained me to control my Demon-Flame. I'm sure it's just as hot as yours, or maybe even hotter. It will burn anything until there's nothing left. Like, Amaturasu." (A/N: Amaturasu from Naruto😅)

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