53.5 sneak peek : suffer

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A/N: here's a sneak peek of a future chapter! 😈

"We're not equal. No we're not equal." I said clenching my fists hard. "We're both people....but were not equal.  Not on the inside. Cause I'm not evil. I've lost myself to all your demons..." I said as I remembered all the times I've had panic attacks, and when my PTSD was terrible. All the times I'd hesitate to use my telekinesis because of him.

"But I won't let you make me suffer anymore! I....DONT CARE....I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE!!! I WON'T LET YOU BREAK ME DOWN ANYMORE!"

"kneel...KNEEL BEFORE ME!!" _____ growled and she used her telekinesis and forced her father to kneel.

"hahahahaHaHaHaHaHAHAHAHA-AHHAAAAHAHAHAAA!! YOUR PUNISHMENT.....IS DEATH!!!" _____ laughed like a psycho and lifted her hand that was filled with black lightning and faces her palm towards her father.

"GoOdBYE!" She said with a psychotic tone while tilting her head but that's when Keigo ran right in front of her and blocked her with his arms up.


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