57. reconnect

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_______ woke up around 4:27 am. She awoke with the biggest headache ever. The pain was throbbing.

"What the? Am I in my room? I don't remember coming to bed." I looked over and see Luca sleeping next to me. I gently rubbed his head and slowly got out of bed putting my hoodie on and walked out to the balcony across the hall.

Luca opens his eyes and sees ______ gone. He quietly gets down and heads straight to Hawks's room.

______ went straight to the balcony to get some fresh air. She looks beyond the view as the wind blows as her hair flows within the early morning breeze. She leaned up against the rail and sighed loudly as she looks down at her hand.

Images of Hawks being in distress in her quirk replayed in her head. She couldn't get that image out of her mind.

"Fuck.." she muttered.

I suddenly heard little footsteps tap on the floor along with heavy steps behind me. I look back and see Luca and Hawks. My face turns red as I'm seeing him wear nothing but sweats. It's been....quite some time since I've seen him shirtless and he looks amazing.....but how annoying.

"Why are you up?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said as he stood next to me.

"How did you know I was awake?" She asked.

"Luca." He replied as I looked down at Luca who wagged his tail with a big smile on his face. I smiled and looked back at Hawks.

"Listen Hawks I-"

"Uh before you say anything let me go first. Look ______, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you so hard and force you to tell me. I should've just waited until you were ready to tell me. I was just so worried about you. I care about you." He said as she slightly blushes and then immediately slaps him across the face.

"GaAah! What was that for?" He cried as he held his cheek.

"Because you annoy me."


"Listen Hawks, I'm sorry too. I should've just told you instead of keeping it inside me. Everything is just so overwhelming for me that I can't keep up and I didn't know how to express what I was feeling."

"Listen, after my mom passed I've been the only one taking care of the household, taking care of my....father and myself. I've never had or received any help. I've been independent ever since I was 8. Throughout the years my father has always told me I've been a burden to his work and that I couldn't make him money. I was just a money maker to him instead of his daughter. But in reality all I've been doing was trying to keep the household on spot. He always wanted to make a profit out of me since I had two quirks....but since I couldn't control neither of em, I've just been labeled a burden to him and he had to work twice as hard because of me and....I just didn't want you to work twice as hard for me."

Huh....i never knew that, but it all makes sense now. I now understand. She feels like she shouldn't ask for help since she's never received any in her life. She thinks she has to do it all alone because that's basically what she's been doing all her life. She thinks...she's all alone. And with Dabi out of her life I can tell she's changing. She's more aggressive and defensive about her well being because she doesn't want to get hurt again. Damn...it's only going to make it harder for me...but I don't care....I'll try as many times as I can. Hawks thought.

"I honestly wouldn't mind working twice as hard for you _____." Hawks smiled which caused her to smile but her smile went away.

She sighs. "I'm sorry, I just don't know how to express my emotions. I never knew how to growing up so I just bottle them up and ignore it....cause I have to be strong."

"_______ you don't ever have to be sorry. So don't be sorry kid. And maybe you shouldn't bottle it up so much. Doing things like that isn't good for your health. Just because you cry doesn't mean you're weak. It means....you're strong. And it's okay to feel this way kid." He smiled.

"Hehe I know. I just....I just don't know what to do now that I've lost everything. That night, my heart broke because I thought I lost Luca too. I don't know what I would've done if I lost him." She said as she scratched underneath his chin and his tail wags.

Be mindful this is the first time ______ has ever opened up to anyone very deeply...

"________ you didn't lose everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for one you have me kid, and you have Luca. You also have Ells and Haru. Plus Katsuki and the rest of Class 1A. And I hope you didn't forget about Michiru too. You have so many people who care about you and would do anything to help you. So don't feel like you're a burden to others because you're not kid. It's okay to ask for help."

She sighs. "I guess I got a little over my head hehe. I'm sorry for hurting you with my quirk too. I came to a realization when I saw you hurting, that it instantly reminded me of my father." She said as she looked down at her hands.

"I saw. You were hyperventilating and ended up passing out with a fever. I didn't realize how worn out and tired you were so that has a part played. Also you're probably not fully recovered, you just need some rest. By the way, it's been a while since you've had flashbacks of your father whenever you used your telekinesis. Seems to me that you're getting over that fear. You've come such a long way. I'm proud of you kid."

She smiled.

"Also I wanted to thank you."


"For cleaning my room. Uhaha I'm sorry you had to see how much of a mess it was." He laughs awkwardly as he scratched his head.

"It's alright, I'll just teach you to be clean. It's not that hard you dumb bird."

"Hehe I know."

"And for the love of god can you please put a shirt on!" She said when she sees his body once again and her face turns slightly red.

"No way! I told you I get really hot at night so I have to sleep this way. Do you not like it?" He asked and my face turned even more red. I flinched when he took a step closer to me half naked.

I slapped him across the face.

"Ow! What was that for?" He whined.

"Because you're annoying. Now let's go to sleep."


We both walk back to my room as Luca lays on his blankets. "Are you finally gonna get some sleep tonight?" Hawks asked as I made my way under the covers.

"Yeah, hopefully.....hey Hawks?" I looked away.

"Yeah?" He asked turning around at the door.

"Thank you....for everything."

"Eh? Look at you being nice. That's a first." He laughed.

"Yeah whatever. Have a good night."

"You too ______." He smiled and went straight to his room.


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