2. yuzu

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______ exhales after taking a deep breath.

"Ahhh I'm finally here."

I walk up to the apartment building in through the big glass doors. It was really beautiful on the inside. It looked like a five star hotel!

______'s apartment building was on top of a hill with the view of the city lights of Tokyo.

She made her way inside the building where she sees an elevator, she walks inside and presses the 9th floor. The highest floor there. The elevator starts to move up slowly.

I made my way to my room door, there was a plack right beside the door on the wall that said: "OGAMI / ROOM 901".

She opens her backpack to look for her door key but was struggling to find her key in her messy backpack.

"Now where did I put that key."I then heard sounds coming from the door next door.

"What the- "

What it sounded like was some kind of animal sniffing around. Suddenly the door swings right open. I jumped from being frightened, then out walks a girl probably older than me who looks like a wolf. Big fuzzy ears coming out of her head, with a big fluffy tail coming out from behind her,with the snout of a wolf and smoldering gray eyes. Like I'm not even kidding you, she looked exactly like a wolf. I then realize the sniffing sound was coming from the wolf girl as she continues to sniff around me.

"Uhhhh, can I help you?" I asked awkwardly and confused. She continues to sniff around me. I felt, really uncomfortable.  Do I smell bad?

*sniff* *sniff*

She then replies with," you're not from around here, are ya?"

"How did you know that?"

"Oh well I smelled ya as soon as you walked into the apartment building. I had never smelled that scent before so I was wondering where it was coming from, it turns out it was you all along. I've been living here in Tokyo for a couple years now and I'm already familiar with the smells around Tokyo." The wolf girl says as she smiles widely exposing her large wolf like teeth.

I was shocked to see her large wolf like teeth. If she were to bite someone's arm off they'd be done for omg..

The wolf girl catches _____ staring at her fangs.

"Oh!... I'm sorry, I know my fangs are pretty scary. I don't really smile a lot cause I tend to freak people out with my large fangs." She says shyly.

"Oh no honey you're fine. I- I just never met anyone with large fangs like yours before."

"Haha welp. That's what I get for a having a quirk like mine!" The wolf girl says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Um. What is your quirk exactly?" I asked while observing her wolf like body starting from head to toe.

"Well uh, my quirk is wolf. I have the characteristics of a alpha grey wolf. And when I choose to, I can turn into a silver wolf. A protector of all beings. Which allows me to have super strength and have atomic breath. And amongst other things. But enough about my quirk what about yours?! What's your quirk?" She asked as her tails wags like a happy puppy.

"My quirks... is elemental. I have the power to produce and control fire, water, ice, wind, lightning, earth, darkness, and light. I have telekinesis too but I just choose not to use it-," she looks away.

"For certain reasons...." she said and laughed awkwardly.

"Well that's ok with me! Seems to me that you have an incredibly powerful and beautiful quirks!"

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