33. mission pt. 2

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"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEEP RUNNING LITTLE BUG! YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER!" Iris yelled out as her and Tem chased after Katsuki as he blasts his way through the forest from their attacks with cuts and bruises on his body.

Bubbles were flown towards Katsuki by Iris and she blows them up hoping to catch him.

Tch! This bitch is really annoying! I need to think of something fast. Ok let's see. Iris...she can only use her quirk for a certain time but I forgot. Her quirk has something to do with her saliva being explosive. Kinda like my quirk but it's not sweat so she needs gum to help with her quirk. As for the other guy, Tem....he doesn't have a quirk but he's good with swords and shit like that. I really hope I can trust that nerd. Katsuki thought as he blew past trees, dodging kunai's, knives and explosive bubbles. He was thinking about how to use the info Miles gave him about everyone's quirk to his advantage.

Without realizing it, Iris had a bubble in front of him. He was caught off guard as his eyes widened and the bubble bursts, and explodes before Katsuki had the chance to blow it away.

Katsuki falls high, all the way down to the ground and lands on his feet but falls as that attack hurt him a bit.

Iris and Tem catch up to Katsuki, surrounding him from both sides.

"Well well well....would you look at that." Tem teased as he swings his sword and held it on his shoulder.

"Looks like we caught the little bug huh? You were getting really annoying. Chasing you around the forest like that!" Iris whined as she pops her gum.

Katsuki clenched his fists as he growls.

"Now....oh what to do with you..." Iris said as she taps her chin and thought for a second.

"Oh I know!" She looks back at Katsuki. "Let's kill this little bug!" She said and Tem smirks.

Katsuki laughs. "Ha! You really think I'd let you kill me. I must be out of my mind if I let an idiot without a quirk and a dumb bitch with a big forehead kill me." Iris and Tem's eyes widened as they started getting heated.

"Alright that's it!" Iris growled as her and Tem charged towards Katsuki. Before they got the chance to hit Katsuki, Katsuki places his palm down and creates an explosion so big it blow them both back and destroys the ground. Blowing trees away and blowing them to splinters, a big crater was left.

As the smoke clears, Iris and Tem struggle to get up as Katsuki runs up to them and kicks them both and they both go flying back into the crater. He wasn't going to let them get up again.

Iris gets back up slowly as her body trembles. She helps Tem get back up as Katsuki stands at the top of the crater. He aims his palm and has his finger on the trigger of his gauntlet.

Katsuki smirks as he was breathing heavily. "You idiots are too easy! Been saving up a lot of sweat dragging you shitbags around the forest. Now...DIIIIE!" He pulls the trigger and a big explosion goes off. Katsuki jumps far back as he's breathing heavily. He waits for the smoke to clear up to get a better view.

That should do it... now I need to get back to saphira- Katsuki's thoughts were interrupted by Iris's laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAA. That was a good one!" She claps slowly sarcastically. Katsuki eyes widened. He faces the crater as the smoke clears. He couldn't believe it for a second. He looked down in the crater and saw them surrounded by a shield bubble, a small device that was thrown down by Tem.

Despite the fact that he doesn't have a quirk, he really has interesting gadgets to help with his offense and defense.

She smirks as she pops her gum in her mouth as the shield bubble came down.

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