49. controlled

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"Fuck!" I punched the wall outside as we're leaving the prison. I looked at my hands and noticed they were bruised. From punching the glass wall inside.

"Ogami.." Yuzu's ears were droopy, she was worried about ______. She never got the answers she wanted.


After a while Yuzu went back to her agency and I went back to Hawks's. I went straight to the training room he had levels under. I went there and took all my anger out on the robots. The robots that I destroyed the very first time I came here.

I placed my hands on the ground and the ground shook and caved in and the robots fell in. More and more came out and I didn't stop.

"ITARU YOU BASTARD!" Bolts flicker around me and in the air as I'm out of breath. "THUNDERSTRIKE ZEUS'S BOLT!" A huge bolt came crashing down and blew them up to pieces.


I've been at it for about two hours believe it or not and I wasn't tired at all. Many robots surrounded me and my eyes turned pink as a pink aura glowed around my hand and around the robots as they stopped moving.

I clenched my fist and it made the robots burst open and explode. I suddenly had the biggest headache and I fell to my knees out of breath. I wiped my nose and saw blood, I had a nosebleed. Tears rolled down my face as I clenched my fists.

I'm in so much pain and it hurts so much. I feel like I let my mom down because I couldn't even get a single name outta him.


I turned around seeing Hawks walking inside. He froze seeing the hundreds of broken down robots on the ground.

I kept crying uncontrollably, I couldn't stop. Hawks said not another word and got down on his knees and hugged me and I gasped. He pulled away and smiled softly.

"Here." He said handing me a handkerchief for me to wipe my nose.

"Thanks.." I muttered.

"You did all of this?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah." I said palming my head, hoping that this pain would go away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

It's really none of his business but I don't why I told him anyways. I told him that I visit Kyro, well Itaru Sato, to get answers from him and I was so close on getting the killer's name but Itaru died on the spot.

"How was that possible?" He asked. "I don't know. But," I clenched my fists again, shaking. "I couldn't even get his damn name!!" I growled.

- time skip -

"Hey you ready to go?" Yuzu asked as I finished putting my mask up on my face.


Luca was growling at Yuzu for whatever reason and Dabi was just watching tv on the couch. Yuzu growled back at Luca and he immediately stopped growling at her and bowed. He still intimidated by her, because she's a wolf.

"Alright babe, I'm heading out!" I said as Yuzu and I walked towards the door.

" *clears throat * Um aren't you forgetting something?" He scoffed looking back at me.

"Oh, right.." I walked over to him and gave him a kiss. I walk back to Yuzu and she chuckled and Dabi scoffed giving her a mean look and we walked out.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now