32. mission

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

While Saphira along with the rest of the group come up with a plan to stop Kyro and save Haru, things weren't looking so good back at the hideout.

"Shut the fuck up Iris!" Izanami growled.

Iris was teasing Izanami as if that was her new favorite hobby. For some reason Iris didn't like Izanami.

"Fuck off Iris!" She said as she walked back to her seat in the darkest corner of the room and stared at Haru.

Haru had his head leaned down as blood drips down his cheek onto the floor. The crystals that were on his antlers were heavy and he was too weak to have the strength to keep his head up.

Poor Haru being held like an animal. His puffy red eyes from crying so much. His skin looked pale with no natural blush. He had no thought in mind.

He was just there, staring at the ground. You'd think he was dead just by looking at him.


"Yes Izanami?"

"Where's your brother?" She asked.

"I...I don't know. You sent him out so I thought you would know that?"

"Are you questioning me?" She asked as she glared at him.

"N-No! I'll call him right now." Tem said as he moved to the side and called.

Everyone was scared of Izanami, including Tem with an additional scar added to his face by her.

During the years it was always cat and mouse, but he was too busy being the cat he became the mouse.


"That's what you need to do to her in order for her to regain her memories. Kyro and the boss mind wiped her to lose her past memories of her past life and made her into an emotionless, strong human being."

"Right." Saphira replied.

"Then that's what we'll do. Everyone on agreement with the plan?" Endeavor asked as everyone nods.

"Alright, Miles go ahead and-" Endeavor was interrupted when Miles's phone goes off loudly. He takes his phone out and his heart drops.

"It's...it's my brother Tem!" He said nervously.

"Tem? He's your brother?!" ______ asked.

"Yes. I have to answer or they'll be on to me."

Endeavor nods and says, "Put it on speaker." Miles nods and picks up. "Hey big brother, what's up?"

"Miles?! Where the hell are you?"

"S-Sorry I got sidetracked....I uh..." He looks all around the room for an excuse and then looked towards Ells. "I met a girl."

Everyone's jaws dropped and Yuzu growled softly giving Miles an evil eye.

"A girl? What you finally found yourself a girlfriend huh? It's about time haha. But now isn't the time to be sneaking around with a girl. Come back to base and treat this stupid kid already!"

Ells eyes widened when she heard Tem talk about a 'kid'. She was about to say something but Yuzu covers her mouth quickly and her voice muffled.

"Huh what the hell was that noise? Miles?"

"Sorry I'm with her right now uh haha." He said awkwardly.

Then we all heard noises coming from the other end of the phone call as if someone took the phone away.

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