20. surprise!

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

Once morning came I woke up feeling Dabi's arms around my body. Gripping my curves tightly. I smiled and I got his body behind mine as we were in the spooning position.

"Ugh what time is it Dabi?" I groaned.

"It's...7:18" He replied with his deep morning voice. He kept his eyes closed not wanting to wake up.

He buried his head in my neck not being fully awake.

Dabi moved his arms up as they rested right beneath my breasts. I stretched a bit turning my head to kiss his cheek, having my hand reach behind him scratching his head gently as he slowly started to wake up.

He squeezed me tightly and buried his face in my nape. With his breath, it gave me goosebumps as it tickled me. Shivers going up and down my spine. Dabi smirked kissing my nape.

"Morning.." I said softly feeling his lips.

"Goodmorning beautiful." He replied with his deep morning voice.

I smiled keeping my eyes closed enjoying the moment not being in a rush at all today. Dabi playfully grabbed my two breasts in both hands as he pushed me back into his chest.

"They're...cold." He said softly with his voice against my ear.

I blushed tilting my head back.

"Warm them up." I said as he smirked squeezing me as my back pressed more into his chest. He let go of me as I turned to face him just wrapping my arms around him meeting Dabi's face with mine as I kissed his lips passionately.

He moved to have me lay on top of him as he gripped my waist having me sit on top of his crotch. As I'm arching my back I kissed his lips as he smirked. I slowly pull away sitting up as I smiled down at him.

"You have such a beautiful smile baby girl." He said caressing my cheek. "Also I love it when you're on top of me like that."

"Oh whatever." I laughed rolling my eyes.

I layed back down against him as he held me tightly with his arms wrapping around me.

"I can stay like this all day and never get tired of it." I sighed as Dabi chuckled softly.

"Me too." He replied.

They both closed their eyes and fell back asleep together in each other's arms. It felt like heaven being with him again. It was only 7 in the morning so there really wasn't anything to do other than sleep.


"Babe I have to go to the..... store real quick mkay? I'll be back in 20 minutes. Just wait for me here. I won't be out for too long." I said as I got my backpack and Yuzu's keys.

Yuzu was letting me borrow her car since I told her what I needed it for. I also told Yuzu that everything was going to be ok and me and Dabi talked about it. It was a work in progress. Not all relationships start out perfect. There's always a little work to be put in.

"Alright babe but don't be gone for too long ok?" He replied as he got undressed and headed for the shower.

"I won't haha." I laughed as I'm making my way into the bathroom and opening the shower door seeing Dabi barely visible because of the steam of the hot water.

I poked my head through and gave Dabi a kiss goodbye.

"I should be back by the time you're out of the shower mkay?" I smiled as I walked out heading straight to the jeep and driving off. My hand had healed over night so I was good to drive.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now