52. life or death

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️


"Yes girl it's me." She put her arm around my shoulder helping me up.

"Haha you're lucky I got here just in time. I didn't know what you meant by when you sent me your location. Glad I trusted my instincts." She smiled and then looks over at Dabi. He was still looking down at the ground.

"Oh hey Dabi! What are you doing here-" Yuzu took a step towards him but ______ interrupted her.

"Don't Yuzu...he's..." Before _____ could even finish her sentence, Yuzu gets interrupted by Dabi's loud thoughts, and for the first time ever, they were really loud.

Her smoldering grey eyes widened and she growled, exposing her fangs.

Run away! RUN AWAY! DON'T RUN! Stay and fix this! But it's too fucking late! I still love her! Kill her! KILL THEM! I love you ______ please don't leave me! I must finish my mission. I'm a villain, I'm no fucking hero. I was born to kill not to love. But I love you ______. Dabi thought, he couldn't think straight.

"Is that so?" She muttered and her ears twitched like crazy, she didn't know which thought to listen to first. She could hear his thoughts overlapping one another. His thoughts were all over the place as he was still trembling.

"Well then, you won't mind if I just take him out.." Yuzu smirked and her claws came out and sprinted right towards him.

But before she even got the chance to hit Dabi, the Nomu comes back; protecting Dabi and hits Yuzu hard and throws her over the rooftop, ______'s eyes widened.


Yuzu falls down towards the street. The Nomu turns to me and growls. I shook when I knew the Nomu was gonna come after me next. I was frozen. I couldn't move. It roars loudly and charged right towards me.

Come on....body....move.....MOVE!

I lifted my hands and blasted flames at the Nomu, but it didn't even leave a single burn or scratch on it. I pushed with all my might as it was running straight through the flames. It swings its claws and hits me, causing me to fly over the rooftop and fall straight towards the streets.

I cough up blood as I continue to fall, and seconds before I hit the ground, Yuzu catches me unexpectedly.


"I gotcha!" She lets me down as we both catch our breaths. I wiped the blood from my lips.

"Yuzu....my flames...it didn't even affect it! It's too strong!" I panted.

"I'm afraid you might be right." Yuzu looks up at the rooftop and sees the Nomu jump from the roof and land on the street, cracking it and breaking the concrete to pieces. Soon, a few local heroes arrive to the scene.

"Shirou! What's going on?!" The hero asked.

"It's the League of Villains!" She growled. "They've sent a Nomu to attack! I need you all to evacuate this town. Get them as far away as possible. I've already evacuated this building!"

"Right!" Within the second, the local heroes immediately evacuated the town with their quirks. I then noticed Yuzu growling heavily as her fur stood up.

"I guess I have no other choice..." Yuzu muttered. She rips off her collar. Exposing a mark on her neck.

Am I about to see Yuzu's true power for the very first time?

It starts to glow light blue and soon enough her entire body glows. She phases in the silver wolf. It was.....amazing. A silver wolf that glowed that was about 10 feet tall on all fours with its bright golden eyes and blue body. She howls and it echoes through the area. Her howl sounded like a sweet song..

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now