19. forgive.

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The next morning I sat on the balcony as I drank a hot cup of coffee as I'm wearing my red hoodie. Dabi was gone. It seemed that he woke up early and left to god knows where.

Fuck what am I going to do? I can't leave him....he just...he just needs someone to lean on. He might act like a mean person but in reality he's just hurt. I thought as I'm looking out at the view as the early morning breeze hits me.

It was all just a big misunderstanding but, he shouldn't have acted that way..

Suddenly I heard the front door open. I knew it was Dabi so I just kept my cool. I covered my face as I put the hood up hoping he wouldn't see the scratches on my face, but then again why do I care? Why am I trying to make myself look good for someone who hurt me?

I heard heavy footsteps coming towards the balcony as the sliding door opens and he walked out. He had a dozen black roses in one hand and a bag in another.

Don't look at him _____. Just keep looking straight. Don't give him the attention he craves right now. I thought as I didn't even think about looking at him face to face.

"Um.._______ can we uh...talk? Please?" He asked as he sat down next to me as I scooted away from him. I don't know what to feel right now.

Angry? Sad? Scared?

"I'm listening..." I muttered as I'm still looking off into the distance.

"Can...can you look at me please. Take your hood off. I want to see your pretty face babe."

"Tch...'babe'.... Does that even mean anything to you? Huh?!" I yelled as I pulled my hood down aggressively looking towards him, revealing the scratches all over my face.

His eyes widened. "_-_____ please...let me explain-"

"Explain what Dabi?! That you got jealous and lost control and beat my best friend half to death?! What is there to explain Dabi?! You nearly killed him! You smashed his face!! It was covered in blood. Even after Yuzu stopped you, you still insisted on going after him. Even after.." my voice started to shake as tears flowed down my cheeks. His eyes widened as he watched me cry.


"Even after I tried pushing you away and held you back. You wanted to continue hurting him! You...you threw me to the ground and I ended up breaking my hand." I said as his heart drops. Seeing my arm in a sling with my hand bandaged up under my sweater.

"______ I'm-" He says as he scoots over to me and leans forward. But I flinch. I've been abused before and I was so scared. I moved back up against my seat as I was scared, thinking that he was going to hurt me again.

I don't know why, all I can think about right now is my dad. Dabi had the same eyes as my dad last night.

"Please...don't be afraid of me. That's the last thing that I want is for you to be scared of me. Look at me!" He said as he gently placed his hand on my cheek caressing it as I shook in fear and closed my eyes.

Seeing ______ that way...made Dabi feel like nothing more than a villain. Something that Dabi doesn't want to be when he's with her.

"Why didn't you just let me explain? You kept cutting me off not giving me a chance to talk! And what's worse you left me!" I said pushing his hand away from my face.

I was so angry, sad, and afraid. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't control my emotions. I hate yelling at Dabi. It hurts...

"You left me when I needed you the most! You didn't even bother to tell me where you were for the past two days!! I kept calling and calling but it kept going straight to voicemail. For all I knew you could've been dead in an alley somewhere! And I don't know what I would've done if I had lost you dammit! You left me here all alone!"

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