38. a memory of a memory

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"Excuse me..."

_______ looks up at girl who appeared out of nowhere as she's sitting down next to a tree on a hilltop, just a few minutes away from her house.

_______ wipes her nose and tears away as she wore the black gloves.

"Why are you crying?" The girl asked.

"I'm not crying...I just.....have allergies.." ______ replied.

"I know the difference between allergies and crying and you are definitely crying." The girl said as she sat down next to ______ as _____ looks away.

"Do you...wanna talk about it?" The girl asked but that's when she notices bruises on her legs and arms with also a few scratch marks.

"Hmm...well, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." The girl says and looks off into the distance.

"Why are you trying to help me? You don't even know me..." ______ says and looks at the girl.

The girl took a minute to respond. She turns to ______ and looks into her red eyes. "Because...I hate seeing people cry...especially someone who can be my friend." The girl said as the wind blows.

_______'s eyes widened. "Friend?.."

"Yeah! Hey I know, how about I cheer you up instead?" The girl asked as she smiled widely at _______.

"How..." ______ asked.

The girl stands up and smiles. "Like this...just watch." _____ raises a brow as she watches the girl walk towards the tree and placed her palm on the tree trunk. The girl inhales and exhales slowly and instantly the tree was crystallized into a pink crystal. It was a beautiful sight, shiny and amazing to look at.

______ gasps as her eyes widened with her jaw dropped. _____ quickly stands up as there were sparkles in her eyes as her cheeks were pink.

The girl smirks and looks back at ______. "Haha! See, I told you I could make you feel better!" She said standing proudly.

______ slowly walks up to the tree and touches the gem and the tap echoes. "This...this is amazing! How did you do that?" _____ asked as she turns to the girl.

"Well it's my quirk! I can create and crystallize anything."

"Ahhh! That's so cool!" ______ smiles.

"Haha that's what I like to see. A smile!" The girl smiles and _____ blushes.

"What's your name?" The girl asked as she stuck her pinkie out. ______ looks at the girl's hand, she was being hesitant whether or not to shake it. She was afraid of being turned into a gem too.

"Oh don't worry I won't crystallize you." The girl smiles.

"My name...is ______." She said as she stuck her pinkie out and interlocked it with hers.

"Great! The names Michiru! Michiru Hayame!" Michiru said as she shook _____'s pinkie with hers. _____ blushes and the girls both sit back down on the grass just staring at the crystallized tree, being mesmerized by how beautiful it looked. The sunset glimmered in the crystal creating a beautiful image on the grass.

As Michiru was staring at the tree, ______ looks down at her arms and legs. She clenched her fists and finally has the courage of telling Michiru why she was crying in the first place.

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