3. training

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Can we just take a second to admire this beautiful picture of dabi😍 look at bacon bits. He's so ughh😩

⚠️‼️Mature Content‼️⚠️

"______!" Yuzu says in a singing voice trying to wake me up. "Oohh ______! Time to wake uupp! Come on! We gotta train today! So get your butt up! I already made breakfast so you better eat and get your energy! Breakfaasttt is the most important meal of the daaay!" She wags her tail.

I groaned loudly under the blanket. I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to sleep some more. I had serious jet lag, but I was going to have to get used to this time zone. I slowly opened my eyes, and my eyes met with Yuzu's grey eyes as she's on top of me smiling wide.

"Ughhhh Yuzuuuu it's too earlyyyy for this." I groaned and turned my back to Yuzu.

"______ it's only 10 am."


Yuzu walks over to the table and serves me a plate. I finally get up with my hair all over the place, messy as ever.

"Ugh I wish I could just stay in bed all day!" I complained, really regretting my decision to actually do this. "Do we HAVE to train today??" I asked and sat down at the table.

"Yes! If you want get stronger you need to train. Especially since you don't know how to control your quirk."

"Riiight riight."

Both Yuzu and I put our hands together and say , " THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!" 🙏🏽✨. Although for me, I said it in a low voice because of how exhausted I was.

"Mmmm this is so goood! Wow Yuzu you really know how to cook. This is amazing!" ______ said as she continues to stuff her mouth.

"Why thank you _____! I have cooking as my side hobby since I have a good paying job as a pro hero!"

"Oh so you're a pro hero? That's so cool!"

"Yeeeah it ain't much, all I do is go on a few missions.."

"Oh yeah? Do you have your own agency or something?"

"No I wish, I'm saving up my money to have my own 'Silver Wolf Agency'. Right now I work at pro hero Hawk's agency. I just help him out on missions here and there. I'm just piggybacking with him until I can save up money for my own. I might be a sidekick for now but I've saved enough people to appear on the Hero Billboard Chart! I'm currently number 12!" Yuzu says proudly with a smirk on her face.

"That's amazing! Congratulations! But...pro hero Hawks? Who's that?"

"Well only the fastest hero alive! He can save hundreds of people in under 2 minutes! Isn't that crazy?"

"Yeah it sure is! Well then how did you join his agency?"

"He had asked me to join his agency back then when I had graduated. He must've heard how great of a nose I have. I have a great sense of smell and in his words 'a helpful quirk', but I don't want to get into detail about it."

"So if you work as a pro hero, why aren't you at the agency right now?"

"Well I have the week off of course. Mr. Hawks said he was taking some personal time off on another mission so he hasn't been at the agency lately so there hasn't been any work for me to do ya know."

"Riiight riight." I said finishing my breakfast. I chugged down the orange juice in one gulp. "Ahhhhh." I lick the orange juice off from my lips. "Well I hope one day I get to meet him. Maybe he can give me some advice on my quirk ya know. Help me be in more control of it."

"Yeah that would be cool!" Yuzu finishes her drink. "AHHHHHH. That was delicious!"

"You can say that again."

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now