42. pro hero michi

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

6:30 am.... The sun was barely coming up.

"GAAAH!" Michiru falls to the ground as she was stabbed with _____'s icicle. She pulls it right out her arm as blood pours out and stands back up.

"That's it Michiru, don't stop!" _______ said as she was filled with excitement.

"Tch!" Michiru flicks her wrist as crystals come from underneath the ground and sped towards ______. She bolts away from the crystals as it tried its best to catch her.

As _______ was occupied with the real Michiru, Hawks had his attention to her clone. Today, they wanted Michiru to concentrate on herself and her clone. She couldn't focus on both at the same time so today they wanted to try harder.

Michiru's clone shot crystals towards Hawks, but he was too fast for her clone to keep up. He flies towards her and knocked her down as she slid across the dirt.

"Michiru-san, you gotta put both focus on yourself and your clone." Hawks said.

"Tch I'm not giving up yet Hawks.." her clone smirked as her original self was sweating like a sinner in church.


"Break time!" I handed Michiru a bottle of water as she drank it whole.

"Slow down Michi!" I laughed.

"S-Sorry." She replied as she caught her breath.

"Michiru you've gotten better in just two days! You really are something!" Hawks said.

"Thank you Hawks. I'm not giving up on my dream just yet. I'm almost there!" Michiru smiled.

"I'll be right back, breakfast should be ready by now!" I got up and went back inside.

"So Michiru, how do you feel?" Hawks asked.

"I feel...sore and tired. Did we really have to do this so early in the morning?" She whined.

"Yup! We only have today left. We've been training for the past two days. _____ and I decided to stay a bit longer than we were supposed to but it's gonna work out."

"And then what, you and _____ are going back to Japan?"

"Yeah, it's all part of the agreement." Hawks said as he drank his water.


"Something wrong?" He asked.

"I just wish I could go back to Japan with you both. ______ and I have been dreaming of becoming heroes and doing hero work over there." Michiru says looking away.

"Don't worry, after you're done atoning for your sins, you're more than welcome to join us there!" Hawks smiled but Michiru didn't.

Atoning for my sins huh? I totally forgot why I was here.... Michiru thought as she remembers everything she's been through.

"You will go by the name...Izanami!"

"You're clearly stronger than all of us...well behind me of course hehehe."

"DIE YOU BITCH!" Izanami swung her blade down and almost killed ______.

Michiru's grip tighten around her bottle as she crushed it and she sighs.

"Hey Hawks?"


"Do you think....______ will ever forgive me for almost killing her?"

"Hah? Where did that come from? Of course she does. She knows that wasn't you. Listen, that Izanami figure...that wasn't you, and ______ knows that. Don't let your past define you...because it's only going to beat you down. I've learned a thing or two about putting my past behind me..." Hawks blushes as he pictured _____'s smile.

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