28. izanami

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

When I woke up the next morning I had lots of unread text messages and missed phone calls from many people. From Katsuki, Mina, Sero, Kiri, and Denki. Also from an unknown number.

I answered each and every one of them. When they answered they asked me how I was feeling. I guess Dabi must've told them what happened last night. The unknown number was from Monique. The girl I danced with from the club. She was really worried about me, she must've been there when it happened.

Throughout the rest of the weekend, I spent it with Dabi and Luca. Dabi took super duper extra care of me. Helping me recover from the incident that occurred last night. I need to be in good health before I patrolled tomorrow.

- time skips -

Weeks gone by and patrolling couldn't be any better. I was digging the hero work. I loved it so much.

"Look it's pro hero Saphira and Hawks!" "Saphira I love you!" Fans shouted as they watched Hawks and I patrol downtown.

"Uh...thanks." She said awkwardly.

"Hahaha you're still not used to being recognized so much huh?" Hawks asked.

"No not really.." she replied.

"Well you better get used to it kid."

"I know that you dumb bird." She scoffed.

Suddenly an explosion occurs in a nearby laboratory. It's well known for its high tech equipment. People were screaming as they ran away from the facility. I immediately bolted towards the building as Hawks flew behind me.

"HELP US HEROES!! THEY'RE STEALING OUR EQUIPMENT!!" A man cried as he desperately tries to run far from the building, along with his co workers.

"Just get somewhere safe! We'll handle this. Hawks evacuate this area immediately!"  She ordered.

"Eh? Bossing me around now aren't ya-"

"There's no time for jokes dumbass, now go!" She replied and he laughs and flies off.

I turned back to the building and notice three men in black cloaks sneaking through a side window holding suitcases full of supplies.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

"Shit, it's Saphira!" One said.

"Hehe she can't stop us." Another said as he lifted his hand and shot a ray of energy towards ______. She jumps over the ray dodging it. The ray hits a building causing an explosion.

"Here! Take this. I'll handle her. The main mission is to get these back to HQ!"

"But....but Ryan. We're not going to leave without you-"

"Just go!" He growled and his comrades nod and run off.

"It's just you and me now Saphira! Hahaha, I've waited a long time for this! I've always hated you, and heroes." He said and cracked his knuckles.

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time someone hated me. Give me you best shot.." she smirked.

He ran towards ______ and aimed a ray. She bolted out of the way. She was too fast for Ryan to land a hit on her.

"Heh is that the best you got?" I created a bolt in my hand and bolted straight towards him. He shot a ray of energy again, but I dodge it and land behind him and struck the bolt into his body. He trembles and his eyes widened as his body becomes paralyzed as little bolts flicker around his body. He falls face down on the ground and he grunted.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now