44. I missed you <3

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"Oh my- am I dreaming?" He said as he tightens his grip more.

"No babe you aren't. I'm finally home...for good." She chuckled.

He pulls away and looks directly into my eyes and he caressed my cheek slowly. "You have no idea how much I've missed you!" Dabi cried and he leans in and kisses me passionately. Deeply.

I missed his kisses, more than anything. It's been a while. I never want to be away from him again. He pulls away as saliva was connected from both our lips. He smiles and kisses me once again.

"Eager for my lips huh?" She smirked.

"I haven't seen you in about a week so fuck yeah I'm craving your lips." He kisses me some more.

"How've you been Dabi?" I asked as we both pull away.

"To be honest, it was very lonely in here. Luca and I missed you a shit ton. I heard what happened with Kyro on the news. How did that go?" Dabi asked as he pulls me onto his lap and he rubbed my inner thigh. He was really touchy.

"It went well, we saved Haru and Michiru. She's back to her old self again. As for Kyro.."

Kyro and the rest of the organization were locked up in confinement. With a blindfold around Kyro's eyes and chains wrapped around his body and cuffs on hands to prevent him from using his quirk.

"Kyro is locked up, for good. He's not getting out anytime soon or his group. It's over." She said as Dabi rubbed her arms and gasped. He felt upon a few scars on her arms, pulling the sleeves up and he growls. "And these?" He said rubbing her scars.

I pulled my sleeve down quickly and said, "they were from..."

Images of Izanami beating the shit out me came to my mind.

"They we're from Izanami."

"You mean Michiru?" He asked as he looked annoyed and angry.

"Yes, but don't worry it was all taken care of. I mean I'm alive am I not?"

"Yeah.." he pouted and hugged me again. "I'm just glad you're alright. I was so worried about you ______." He said as he kisses my forehead.

"I'm fine babe." I chuckled. Soon Luca comes from the ground and tries to jump on the bed but fails to do so as he fell back on his but. I lifted him up with my telekinesis and brought him on top and he comes rushing towards Dabi and I and got in between us. We had the biggest hug all together as Luca licked both our faces. He was happy to see the both of us back together again.


"I'm going to take a shower okay babe." I said getting up off the bed but that made Dabi whine. "Wait noo. Come back! You just got back and I demand some cuddles right now. Luca didn't want to cuddle with me while you were gone, you know how frustrating it is to not cuddle with someone??"

"Don't worry I'll be quick." She laughed.

"Ughhh" Dabi groaned as he lays down facing the ceiling. Luca had fallen asleep on his little bed.

I walked up to the mirror and got undressed. I realized that I still had my scars from Izanami, but they were healing slowly. I walk to the shower and turned on the hot water as steam forms. Grabbed my speaker and played the song "Make It by 2PM." and hopped right in.

I start humming to the song as the water flowed throughout my body and it felt relaxing. I'm just so happy to be back in my own home and not have to worry about sharing a bed with an idiot with wings.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now