16. haru

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ISN'T THAT THE CUTEST THING EVER?!🥺 Dabi babysitting baby Hawks 🥺🥰 so adorable!!!😭❤️

‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️


"Yeah babe!" He yelled from the living room.

"Uh...what happened to our mirror? It looks like it's been smashed-" I was interrupted when I heard heavy footsteps running towards the bathroom. Dabi came running in as his eyes widened.

"Woah..okay what's up with you?" I asked as I pushed my glasses up against my nose.

"Oh nothing. So uh...what happened was, when we came home last night....you...uh went to the bathroom and you sneezed and...I guess with your wind element...you broke the mirror. It was actually pretty funny.." Dabi lied.

"Huh?! No way! I did that?!" I asked pointing at the broken mirror.

"I don't even remember coming home last night. Haha I guess I had a little too much to drink." She replied as she scratched her head.

"Yeah you did..you're such a light drinker _____." He laughed.

"Hey shut up asshole. 4 drinks is a lot!" She whined.

"Ookay. At least I can handle more than you." He scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

Tch. Is that a challenge haha... I glared.

"Now hurry up and get dressed. I want you to teach me how to cook!" He said as he kisses my cheek and went back into the living room sitting on the couch.

I finished washing up and went straight to the kitchen putting my apron on as I tied it around my waist a few times.

"Ok Dabi you ready-" I turned around facing Dabi and I froze. There he was standing there in an apron with no t-shirt on and only sweats. He looked pretty hot if you ask me. My face turned red when I saw him like that. He leans in and kissed my passionately as he grabbed ahold of my waist pulling me into his body. He pulls away and slaps my ass hard and says, "of course ______."

I wanted to teach Dabi how to cook since he almost burned the house down the other day. What an idiot. "Here, when the bacon curls up that means it's ready to be flipped to the other side mkay?" I said as I handed him the tongs.

"O-okay." He muttered.

"I'm going to start flipping the pancakes. Keep an eye on the bacon and eggs for me mkay babe." I said as he nodded.


"Yeah Dabi I think we made a little too much." I laughed we both looked down at the table seeing too much food, enough to feed five people. The smell of freshly made pancakes,bacon and eggs filled our noses. It smelled delicious! But he succeeded!

"Yeah I think so too haha." He laughed.

I went straight for the fridge and took out a box of strawberries and a can of whipped cream. "I hope you like whipped cream and strawberries on your pancakes!" I said as he smiled.

"Here can I see the whipped cream?" He asked as and I handed him the can. He was about to spray some in his mouth but broke the tip and ended up exploding in his face as the whipped cream splattered all over his face.

"Eh.." he muttered as the whipped cream dropped from his face onto the floor.

"PHFFFTTT! HAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed so hard as Dabi growled.

"Oh so you think that's funny huh?" He glared at me as his eyes twitched, I wipe a bit of whipped cream off his face with my finger and licked it clean causing him to blush.

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