64. WHY?! pt.2

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‼️⚠️mature content ⚠️‼️

"Now, it's time for you to die!" Akumu smirked.

I shook as I slowly stood back up with blood on my face.

"What do I do? How do I protect them and fight Akumu at the same time??"

Akumu walked slowly towards me as his orange eyes glowed and he licked his lips.

He punches me in the face and I go flying back into rocks.

"SAPHIRA!!" The little girl cried.

"Please...get up." The little girls voice cracked as tears flow down her cheeks.

Akumu came up to me and placed his foot on my chest as I gasped for air.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt too much." He smirked.


Out of nowhere Katsuki comes from the sky and knocks down Akumu face down on the ground and blew him up making Akumu get thrown.

"You bastard, you thought you could get away with taking ______ away?! Well YOU BETTER THINK AGAIN!!!"

My eyes widened. It all just happened in an instant. Katsuki has gotten, faster without making a sound...

"K-Katsuki?" My eyes became watery.

"What you thought you could do this alone?" Katsuki smirked as he looked over towards the other side of the fields and out of nowhere I see more people coming!

All of my sidekicks were coming straight from the agency, including Ryo!

"SHADOW SNEAK!" Ryo ran and fell into a shadow and disappeared. She suddenly came up next to Norman in front of the group and swung in a spiral and slashed his wings and tail off with a shadowblade.

He cried in pain as she stood in front of the group. That's when I realized her tattoo had spread throughout her body. There's black streaks across her eyes.

"Majestic distortion." Kenji exclaimed and he put his hands out and everyone in his field of vision lost their eyesight and began seeing vibrant colors.

Something blocked the moonlight for a second and sure enough I look up in the night sky and see Hikari flying with her gorgeous butterfly wings. With her large wings, they glowed from the moonlight and powder falls from them and spread around the field. Those who inhaled it were poisoned.

"We're here to help!" Hikari smiled.

With a busted lip and swollen eye and cuts all over, I look around and see everyone else fighting against the copies and my eyes widened.

"Everyone....you came." My eyes became watery.

"Huh? What is this?!" Akumu growled and took steps back, seeing his plan was failing.

"Come on." Katsuki said extending his hand out to me. "You wanna finish this or what?" He smirked.

I grabbed ahold of his hand as he helped me up. "Let's finish this once and for all." I clenched my fists. I took a deep breath as water surrounds my body and all my wounds healed slowly.

"Tch! YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME! I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU. AND THEN, I'LL DEVOUR YOU ALL!!" Akumu growled and his orange eyes glowed. He suddenly shifted into a large black dragon with red underwings and with orange eyes.

I grinded my teeth seeing him become a dragon right in front of my eyes. A black dragon at least 20 feet tall. That's taller than Yuzu's Silver Wolf!

"You're dead lizard breath!" Katsuki exclaimed and blasted his way towards him in a spiral.

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