70. tanabata ( star festival)

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"What's that?" I asked as I was interrupted by someone from the balcony below us.

"Hey come down from there!" A guy yelled from his balcony. We both flew to this man's balcony and I immediately apologized.

"I'm apologize if we caused a disturbance." I said, fixing myself.

"What? What are you talking about? You didn't cause any disturbance! I wanted to invite the both of you.

"Invite us?"

"Yes! What's better than inviting more people to our love party?"

"Love party?" Hawks asks as we both look behind the man and see the inside of the apartment incredibly and beautifully decorated. The whole place had a glow, a pink glow with heart balloons, heart stringers, pink and red confetti, white and pink LED lights, and a LED sign that said "love never fails" and much more. The vibe was like a club.

We both walked in slowly as were observing. It was so amazing that I felt like I walked into a different world. A world filled with love. This apartment is so big that there was a DJ booth in the corner and a small dance floor and people were dancing.

Not to mention everyone was wearing the colors red or pink or both! Couches had heart pillows, the snacks haha the cookies were obviously in the shape of hearts, and drinks labeled "love potion", chocolate, and more snacks.

These people are going all out and for what?

"Oh wow! This is beautiful!" I said as music was pumping loud and everyone was smiling and having a good time.

"Hey everyone! I brought more guests!" The man said and everyone cheered with big smiles and kept dancing.

"What are your names?" The man asked.

"Um well uh, my name is _______ and this is Keigo."

"I love it! I love those names! My name is Minoru! Even though this is a big apartment, it's not rented out to anyone. Think of it as an open space that people can host events. For us, we call this place the Factory." He smiled and gave us both hugs.

"May I ask what you're celebrating?" I asked.

"Tanabata! The Star Festival!"

"What's Tanabata? The star festival?"

"Just a little history here, it's a popular festival celebrating an ancient Chinese legend about star-crossed lovers! Altair and Vega. But here in Japan these two stars are called Orihime and Hikoboshi."

Star-Crossed lovers? Both Keigo and _______ thought and looked at each other through the corner of their eyes.

"According to legend, the lovers are separated by the Milky Way, and can only meet on one night a year."

Lovers that are separated? _______ thought.

Only once a year? Keigo thought.

Keigo and I both looked at each others and butterflies began fluttering in our stomachs as we blush and look more red than this beautifully decorated room. We looked away quickly as Minoru kept talking.

"Even though the star festival isn't really that big. We'd like to think it is! Because Love should be celebrated even more because it's such a beautiful thing!" Minoru said.

"Yeah it r—really is." Keigo said but he sounded like the butterflies in his stomach were about to fly out of his mouth.🥴

"Now come on! Let's not miss this party!" Minoru said as a man and a woman both walk up to me and Keigo and they both decorated us in love attire.

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