12. beach day pt.2

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It was around 5:29 pm and Sato had just finished making everyone dinner.


Everyone starts devouring their plates.

I had sent a text to Dabi but...he didn't reply as fast as he would.

Huh? He usually responds right after I send a text. I wonder if he's ok... I thought as I continued to eat.

"Eeeeeeee Sato this is delicious!" Uraraka cries.

"Yeah Sato this is amazing!" Sero adds on as everyone nods in agreement.

"Thanks everyone. But you all better leave room for desert!" He said as he pulls out a box. He opened it and it was a big cake.

Everyone eyes widen.

"AND HE BROUGHT US CAKE TOO!" Everyone says.

Mina noticed that I was texting someone on my phone. "Heyyy ______ who are you textiiing? Are you texting your boooyfriiend?" She teased as I smiled trying so hard not to blush.

"Yeah I was just letting him know how I was doing." I said as I took a bite.

"Aw you must really love him huh?"

I smiled. "Yeah...I really do but , I don't know how to tell him. I don't know why it's so hard for me to say it. I've never had feelings for anyone before so I never really told anyone I loved them before you know?"

"I understand. But hey...between you and me...I have a major crush on Kiri.." she whispered in my ear as we both look towards Kiri as he devours the cake.

"Ha. I can see it. Why don't you tell him?"

Her face turns red. "Noooo I cant! What if he doesn't feel the same. That'll just make me look like an idiot."

"Well maybe you should. You never know, maybe he feels the same way about you too. Life's too short to not confess your feelings to someone, because if you don't, there might be regret and you may never know how that path in your life will go and be like." We both looked over at Kiri again as he waved at Mina, and she waves back.

"See you got this. How about this. You, me , Kiri and Katsuki go walk on the pier. We'll go on a few rides and when the time is right. I'll leave you two alone. I'll distract Katsuki."

She hesitates to answer. "Well.....okay."


"Hey Kiri, Katsuki! Let's go walk on the pier!"

"Sure thing _____! Come on Katsuki!" Katsuki scoffs at him. "Yeah sure whatever." He said as they both caught up to me and Mina.

The four of us walked on the pier just as the sun was setting. We all leaned up against the rail as we watched the sunset.

"Isn't this beautiful?" I asked

"Yeah it sure is." Mina says as she smiles at me.

As I was smiling at Mina, I noticed Kiri was looking at Mina through the corner of his eye as he blushed a little.

Alright this is the perfect time to leave these two alone. But how do I convince Katsuki to leave with me?

"Hey uh Katsuki. Why don't you and I go on a few rides? What do you say?"

"Tch. Yeah sure."

Wow....he didn't take that much convincing.

Mina's eyes widen as she knew what I was doing. Her face turns more red than ever.

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