22. michiru

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"______! Come play with me on the swings!" A ten year old yelled out and _____ comes running to her.

"Okay Michi!" She smiles widely.

"Ugh I told you to stop calling me that ____." She said as she sat down on the swing and so did _____.

"But I like calling you that Michiru!" She smiled as they both start swinging back and forth.

It was a beautiful day like no other. Pretty peaceful if you ask me. Michiru's parents invited _____ to the park. It was a bright sunny day.

Nothing could ever ruin it.

Michiru looked over at _____ with her beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Hey _____ guess what?"

"What Michi?"

"Even though it's not allowed anymore, I still want to become a hero when I grow up!" She smiled widely as _____'s eyes sparkled.

"Ahhh! That's so amazing! You'd make a great hero Michiru! I'm so jealous that you have an amazing quirk. I wish my quirk was that cool!" She replied.

_____ has always admired Michiru's quirk. Ever since they first met and when Michiru first showed her. They would always talk about heroes and quirks and what not between themselves and to no one else. Since the topic hero or even heroes wasn't allowed unfortunately, in their home town. It was a secret both of them kept....to become heroes.

"We can become heroes together ____. Just you and I! We will stop a lot of bad guys!"

"You're quirk and mine...well that's if I learn how to control it, we can become unstoppable! We'll be at the top!"

"I'm sure you can control your quirk. I still have trouble controlling mine sometimes. But I believe you can make it one day. You should start learning how to control it now." Michiru suggested.

"I.....would but my dad wants me to suppress it and not use it...even if I were to use it. It would be my first time in a long time and I would have no control over it without any guidance."

"Well when you do we can work on our quirks together!" Michiru says as she jumps off the swing and does a flip and lands perfectly on her feet.

______ stops swinging and sits there as Michiru goes to sit back down on the swing.

"Can you maybe show me a bit of your quirk _____?"

"Um... I can try."

______ took off her black gloves and tries with all her might to at least give her something to show. But nothing was coming out. Only smoke was coming from her hands, as a sign of her fire element.

"I'm sorry Michi but nothings working...but smoke is a good sign though!" She said as she puts her glove back on.

The black gloves _____ wore were made by someone her father asked to make. In order to compress her quirk, those gloves were made of a soft yet special fiber material that suppresses a quirk when worn. Since ______ couldn't control her quirks and not able to make profit for her father upon his greedy wishes, her father decided that there was no point on learning how to use her quirk and wanted it suppressed.

Michiru's parents never got her any cause they believed that Michiru was going have to get used to her quirk and control since it's apart of her and it's something she was gonna have to live with for the rest of her life. But _______'s father never believed that. He also believed heroes are nothing but people who give themselves that title and that they're nothing but selfish people, just so that they can get all the fame and money, nothing more...

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