65. together as one

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

- time skips-

Months after the battle between my mom's killer, I personally took him to a rehab center for any addiction. Although he is missing one arm. His kids have been put in separate rehab centers too, just to be safe.

Celeste has recovered well and she has gone back to being a martial arts teacher. We had also found one of the victims Akumu had kidnapped that he claimed to have a multiply quirk and brought him back to safety.

When we found him, her was very malnourished. I'm surprised he was able to keep his quirk up for a long time.

Everything is back to normal. But those days after we fought, it's been pretty rough for me.

Recovery for Katsuki and I was pretty slow, but we got through it. After recovering, I went back home and honestly, that dumb bird has been letting me use his shoulder to lean on. It's been quite nice to have someone there for me, considering everything that I've been through.

Almost forgot what that felt like.

But I had finally found out the truth and it's just, crazy. Days at the agency I'd be zoning out during meetings, at home and even with friends. I guess I'm just still trying to process everything from this point on. But all I know is, my mom....was one hell of a woman.

A strong woman.

- time skips -

Am I ready? Am I really about to become one with my darkness?

Today is the day. Ryo is going to help me with my darkness. She says the only way to become one with your dark side is to face it once and for all.

We're in a big white room at the agency that's many levels underground. A big white room with only one exit and a window at the very top that leads to an observation room.

Just by looking at this room. This big observation room, tells me Yuzu knew I was going to have to be one with my darkness sooner than later. So she made it for me.

I can't believe she knew and I had that much faith in me. I mean, it doesn't surprise me but oh how I miss her.

It was just me, Ryo, Katsuki and WitchCraft. She's not new but her quirk is basically her name and she's gonna help me with this whole thing while Ryo talks me through it.

WitchCraft pours sand, surrounding me, in a circle.

"Now whatever you do, don't break the bond and cross the line!" She said and I nod.

"Now, are you ready?" WitchCraft asked and I nodded.

"Katsuki, I'm counting on you to suppress my darkness with your quirk if things get out of hand." I gave him a serious look and he scoffs.

"Yeah yeah I know!"

"Okay, let's begin." WitchCraft lifts her hands and swung em around as lights form, as for me I sat criss cross and closed my eyes.

"Mindless...Vast!" She casted the spell and the sand she poured started glowing.

I sat there for about 30 seconds and I got impatient.

"Ugh I don't think it's work-" I said and opened my eyes and stood up but they were gone!


On the otherside, Katsuki, Ryo and WitchCraft were still there, watching her twitch in her Vast.

"Guys?" I called out to them as my voice echoed and I chuckled. "I guess it worked." I looked all around and it was a vast room of emptiness.

Suddenly I came across my younger self. Like she was literally in front of me. Then out of nowhere I was in my old home.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now