23. party

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"I'm so sorry babe. I never meant to hurt you like that. I....was just scared." She said as she sat down on the couch with Dabi.

He handed me a cup of coffee and sat right next me. He pulls my legs onto his lap and rubs my inner thigh.

"What are you scared about? The look on your face showed me you were extremely terrified. Ive never seen you so distraught before." Dabi said and took a sip of his coffee.

"I...don't know." I muttered and looked away.

"What do you mean 'you don't know'? _____ you scared me. My heart dropped when I heard you scream. I thought someone was attacking you."

"Someone did..." I replied and I looked up to him as his eyes widened.

"Who the fuck is it? Who the fuck do I need to kill?"

"Relax babe. It happened 10 years ago." I replied.

"Oh..well did it have something to do with your nightmare?" He asked as he rubbed my inner thigh again.


"What was it about?" He asked as I gripped the cup, being hesitant whether to tell him or not. Which of course I did tell him. Everything about what happened 10 years ago....with Michiru.

When I told Dabi he couldn't believe something like that could ever happen to me. I hadn't dreamt about Michiru in a long time so it confused me on why now. And after all this time? But it felt...so real. Especially when Kyro used his quirk on me.

I felt it...

"Why haven't you told me about this? _____ you could've died that day!"

"Because it has nothing to do with you!" I cried and he raised a brow.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." She sighed. "I promised myself that I'd find her myself and save her. And destroy the group and Kyro. Heh they were stupid enough to think that I was quirkless. They made a big mistake. They have no idea what I have in store for them. I'll never forgive them for what they did." She growled.

"Maybe you shouldn't go to that party tonight. You should stay home and relax. I can tell that you're stressed and a bit on edge." He said as he rubs my thigh some more.

"No, I'm still going. It'll...get my mind off of it. I'll be ok bubba. Plus I already told Hawks that I'd go so he'll be expecting me. By the way have you made up your mind yet?" I asked as I took another sip.

"Yeaaah and I'm not going."

"Wait why?"

"Because if we both go, who's gonna watch over Luca? I realized he doesn't like to be alone. Plus it'll be too overcrowded there and I don't want you to worry about me all night instead of having fun."

I just don't want to see Hawks at all. He might blow my cover. Fuck this is pissing me off that he wants to see her. I...need to kill something. Dabi thought.

"Well if you're not gonna go I'll just ask Yuzu." I pulled my phone out and texted Yuzu, which she replies back right away.

"Ha she says she was already going. He invited her too. She's taking Ells and Haru as her plus one haha."

"Good. I just want you to have fun and a have good time. Is that wolf taking you and bringing you back?" He asked.

"Most likely. I'll let you know bubba." I smiled.

"Okay pretty girl. Just don't ever scare me like that again.." he said as he placed the cup down and reached over to me and kisses me passionately on the lips. He leans up against my body and grips my waist tightly. He pulled away and looks into my eyes.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now