41. situated

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"_______!" Michiru said in a singy song voice. She kept poking her forehead that stuck out from her hood. ______ was curled up in a ball with the couch cushions on top of her. She tried to keep warm last night with whatever she had.

*poke* *poke* "_______?" Michiru's said as she continues to poke her head.

"MmMmMMm." She groaned.

"Come on its time to get up! We gotta go the mayor's office today!" Michiru said and _____ waved her off and whined, "ughh five more minutes!" Her voice was muffled as she spoke through her hood.

"Nope! Come on! My mom made coffee and breakfast! So wake up! We can't be late!"

"What...what time is it?" I asked as my voice cracked.

"It's 10:00."

"Ugh fiiine." I started to open my eyes slowly and that's when I see Michiru looking at me, above me upside down.

"Great! Now come on let's eat some breakfast!" She said happily and that's when Hawks comes over and looks over me.

"Haha looks who's finally awake!" He smiled.

That's when a switch in me went off. Because of this stupid bird I couldn't get a good nights sleep because of his stupid wings! My eyes widened seeing Hawks above me. I sat up quickly and all the pillows flew off and I turned around quickly and glared at Hawks.

"YOU!" Her voice muffled as she was giving Hawks a death stare.

"Huh? Hey uh...what's wrong ______?" Hawks asked as he smiled nervously and scratched the back of his head.

I stood up quickly and charged right at him as I growled. Hawks gets frightened and runs away from me. The house shook as the two ran around the house. He desperately tries to run away from me but that's when I tackled him and pinned him down.

He looks up at me scared like a baby and asks , " _-_____ what's wrong?! What did I do?!"

"You! Because of you I couldn't get enough sleep last night!" She growled and pulls her fist back and his eyes widened.

Hawks screams loudly as he gets beat badly...


"Thank you for the food!" 🙏🏽✨ we all said and start eating our food.

Hawks was covered with bruises and bumps on his head, arms and face. With a little bandage on his cheek. He groans softly as his body aches a bit. He now knows for next time, not to mess with my sleep. I love my sleep too much.

"So _______, where is it that you're going today?" Yumi asked.

"Well Hawks and I have to take Michiru to the safe house and get her situated there but first we have to take her to the mayor's office and tell him all about this whole thing. I know heroes are banned from this town but he's going to have to accept it. It's been years since a hero has been here. So he has to be over it by now I'm sure." I replied and then took another bite.

"And if all goes well at the mayor's office we're going to train her, so that she'll know what it's like to be a hero, especially during desperate times." Hawks added as he took a sip from his sweet coffee he had Yumi make for him.

"Oh I see, so this "safe house" is it, far from here?"

"Yeah it is."

"Will she be able to visit at least? I know the commission is being really hard on Michiru." Eric added.

"Yes she will be but.."

"But what?" Yumi and Eric asked.

"There'll be 'security' with her at all times. But only for 6-8 months. Except when she's on duty. After that she'll be as free as a bird haha." Hawks laughed.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now