26. patrol

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

- time skips -

As the days went by, it was already time for me to start work. Throughout the rest of my time off I spent it with everyone, including that dumb bird. Dabi hated the idea of me going out to lunch with Hawks but I told him not to worry about it. Dabi and I went on dates here and there and took luca along with us. We mostly went out at night and whenever we went out during the day, he would insist on making me put makeup on him. I hung out with Katsuki a few times, went shopping with Mina, and even hung out with Ells, Yuzu and Haru. They're doing well. Yuzu was really happy in her new relationship, I'm so happy for her. She finally found someone she can trust and love unconditionally. That's all I want for her is to be happy. Dabi and I babysitted Haru a few more times so Yuzu and Ells could have date nights. We didn't mind it, when we did we would take Haru somewhere to see what his quirk was like. It's pretty amazing if you ask me. He'd make a great hero. I even put some training time in between everything too. I was determined to be the best I can be.

In the morning I went straight to the agency. I was really excited to start patrolling.

_______ walks in and goes straight to his office, not finding him anywhere.

"Oh where can that stupid bird be at now? He said 9:00. Jesus how did he even become a pro if he's never on time!" She whined when she looked down at her watch and it said 9:02.

_______ wore her hero costume. It fit perfectly thanks to Hawks. It was just as she pictured it, with a few minor changes.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late _____! Went to get some coffee on my way here." He laughed and sat down in his seat.

"Hawks you have a coffee machine over there." She said as she points over at it.

"Yeah I know, but the way these people make this coffee, it can never be replaced you know what I mean?"

"Yeah yeah. By the way it's Saphira. You should start calling me that now."

"Yes I'm sorry. By the way your hero costume looks great on you.." he blushed as he scans her entire body.

"You have a lewd look in your eyes....should I hit it off of you?" I asked as I lit my entire fist with flames.

"No! No...sorry, uh haha you must be excited for today. Just letting you know, I patrol through the city pretty fast. So if you can't catch up then I'm sorry." He said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Hah? You really think I'm slow? You must've forgotten what you taught me to do with my lightning. I'm pretty sure I'm just as fast as you."

"Oh we'll see about that."

Through my first patrol it was pretty easy, although Hawks tried flying as fast as he could but I kept up to him.

The next day it went by pretty smoothly, nothing too serious again. I was really getting bored, I really wanted to fight some villains and get all this energy out of my system.

Until before we ended our patrol there was a bank being robbed.

"Everyone get on the ground! NOW!" The man says as he and his comrades pointed guns at the people.

He gathered everyone in one corner as the others went straight to the vault. They put a small bomb on the door and it blew the door wide open.

"Hurry up! Grab as much as you can!"

As the man kept his gun aimed towards the hostages, he heard thunder coming from outside. "Huh?"

Immediately _______ comes bolting through the front door taking him out, kicking him to the ground.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now