7. saphira

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Ok but this picture of hawks.🙏🏽 His smile is so adorable 🥰🥺. What a handsome chicken wing❤️✨🛐🛐

‼️⚠️ mature content⚠️‼️

I woke up the next morning already dressed and ready to go to Hawk's agency to train and Dabi was still asleep.

I gave him a kiss on his forehead as he was cuddled up under the covers. Holding onto a pillow thinking it was me.

I left Dabi a note for him to read as soon as he got up saying...

"Went to the agency, don't wait up. I'll be home late. Lock the door on your way out. I'll text you when I'm home. ❤️"

I walked over to Hawk's agency and headed to a training room where Hawks told me to meet him. It was on the basement level. It was filled with scenarios heroes faced on a daily basis.

My eyes widen as I looked around.

"Wow...this place is amazing!"

"I know right!"

I turned around seeing Hawks flying in.

"Goodmorning Mr. Hawks."

He lands on his feet as his red vermillion wings were spread out.  "Goodmorning _____! And please call me Keigo." He smiles.

"Sorry. I'm just trying to keep it professional. I mean you are my boss right?"

"Yeah I understand. I'll be whoever you want me to be." He laughs.

"Ugh relax you idiot." I rolled my eyes.

"You ready for today? Can't wait to see what you got _____."

"Yes I'm ready! Also..I was wondering when do I get my hero costume? I already have an idea on how I want it designed."

"Is that so? Well, you can give it to me after we're done training. But for right now I need you to focus on this."He said as he sends one of his red feathers towards a red lever on a wall. His feather pulls it down and a gate starts to open slowly.

I then heard some kind of machinery moving and loud footsteps that made the ground shake a little.

"What is this?" My eyes widen as I see different sizes of robots coming out from the gate.

"Now what I want you to do is take down those 'villains' over there. Give it all you got _____. Don't hold back." He says as he watches me get myself ready. He steps to the side and gives me a thumbs up with a cheesy smile.

"Ahh..I see." I smirked.

I clenched my fists and started running up towards the first robot I see . I created boulders from the ground and threw them towards it, knocking it down as it broke into pieces.

"Alright one down."

Two other robots charge towards me. They were a bit bigger than the one I just took down.

One robot aims his cannon towards me shooting fire. But I counter it as I made a wall from the ground using my earth element blocking the flames. But what I didn't realize was the second robot was already behind me. It throws a punch and hits me sending me flying and going through the wall I made and hitting the ground.


I got back on my feet quickly, I wasn't giving up just yet. I froze the entire ground as field of ice races towards both robots. Freezing them from the feet spreading to the heads.

"THUNDERSTRIKE: 50 BOLTS!" With my new move I learned from training with Yuzu I shot lightning bolts towards both robots. Making them explode as they were frozen.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now