47. interview

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

I've been working on my darkness and I'm getting the hang of controlling it. Even that stupid bird helped me train with it. When he saw me use my darkness he was a bit afraid since it was his first time seeing me like that.

Hawks and I were on patrol, and to be honest it feels good to be out here. Not having to worry about an evil group kidnapping children anymore.

"Thank you for your help Saphira!" A woman said as I finished helping her carry heavy boxes.

"Of course!" I nod and walked off with Hawks.

"I see that you're more comfortable with people recognizing you now." He smiled.

"Well yeah, the whole Kyro incident went viral. So I'm very well known now." I smiled.

"Also I been wanting to say, that I love the new design of your hero costume." Hawks said scratching the back of his head, blushing a bit as he's scanning her entire body.

"Thank you. I needed a new one since the old one was ripped to pieces." I said feeling around my garment belt and that's when I felt the knife that I've had.

I pulled it out and stared at it.

"Hey isn't that the knife Ells had that night?" Hawks asked.

"Yeah, I should really give it back."

"To Ells??"

"Well, no. To Yuzu. You know what's crazy, I still don't know what Ells's quirk is. The way she handled that knife back then, tells me she can be one badass if she became a hero." I chuckled.

That's when I was immediately surrounded by fans.

"SAPHIRA!!!" They cheered.

"Oh hi everyone!" I smiled.

Men, women, and children surrounded me, taking pics and waving pictures of me asking for my autograph. I chuckled and took some pics with them and signed a few things and I couldn't help but noticed that Hawks, was a bit jealous.

"Tch are you jealous you dumb bird? It's not like you don't have hundreds of fans awing over you." I said and his wings became stiff and he clenched his fists. I think I just pinched a nerve there.

He then walks up to one of my fans. "Hey do you want an autograph from me?" He asked nervously.

"What? No way! I want one from Saphira."

It was like Hawks's world fell apart. He was rejected just like that. He looked depressed and his wings were droopy. It was like he had a little rainy cloud over his head.

Hawks : 😓

"Right..." he muttered.


After our patrol, I had gotten an email from a tv show, that interviews heroes and they wanted me to be on the show. To be honest I was nervous.

"We're here today with the one and only Pro Hero Saphira!" The host says and the crowd behind the cameras cheered.

"Thanks for having me Sarah!"

"So Saphira we understand that a month ago you took down a villain by the name of Kyro am I right?" She asked.

On the inside I was freaking out. My alto ego was having a panic attack on the inside but I kept my composure. I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of the entire viewing world.

"Y-Yes ma'am, that's right. We took care of the situation with no problem or personal casualties."

I can't actually tell them that I almost died that night... ______ thought.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now