14. third wheel

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‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

After waking up the next morning I went straight to the kitchen and made coffee for myself and Dabi. But for him, he likes black coffee which is totally disgusting but he has his own tastes and so do I. Dabi walks out of the room only wearing his sweats as he yawns.

"Goodmorning Dabi!" I smiled as I handed him his cup of black coffee.

"Hmmm Goodmorning beautiful." He smiled as he took a sip of his coffee.

"So what you got planned today beautiful?" He asked as he walked over to the couch as I followed right behind him sitting next to him with my feet up on the couch.

"Ugh I don't know probably- " I was interrupted when I heard a knock on my door and then heard a voice.


"Who is it?" Dabi asked.

"It's Yuzu!" I said smiling widely, putting my cup down and ran towards the door opening it and jumping into her furry arms. She stumbles as she catches me.

"Woah girl! Be careful!" She smiled as she hugs me back.

"I've missed you Yuzu!" I said as I hugged her so tight.

"I've missed you too girl! I'm sorry but with all these missions back to back I haven't had the time to come by and say hi. Even though we live next door to each other, I always come home late and I know that your asleep."

"You're fine! I completely understand girl!" I replied as I stood back up. "Anyways what are you doing here?"

"Well I'm taking the day off of course! Plus I got some exciting news for you-" She was interrupted as she looks behind me past the doorway seeing Dabi walk up behind me grabbing ahold of my waist.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you had company." She said as she sniffed all around.

"Oh sorry. Yuzu this is my boyfriend Dabi!"

Dabi's POV

Yuzu's grey eyes widened as she looked at me.

"Oh so this is the pro hero that saved you the other night huh?" She said smiling widely exposing her large fangs.

Heh...so this is the wolf... wasn't expecting to meet her at all... I thought as I clenched my fists.

"Hi I'm Yuzu! Or also known as Pro Hero Shirou! It's a pleasure to meet you and I just want to say thank you for saving my girl _____ the other night. I really appreciate it!" She said as she stuck her paw out to shake my hand.

I stared right into her grey eyes as blue flames form around both my hands. I charged right towards her pushing ______ to the ground.

"Hah?! DABI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" ______ says as her eyes widened as she sees me pinning Yuzu down to the ground holding her by her snout.

"I'm....going to kill...you wolf..." I growled and bursted Yuzu into blue flames leaving nothing but ash on the ground.....

"Hellooooo? Babe?" ______ said as she waved her hand in front of my face as I was spacing out.

"Huh? What?"

"You ok babe?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said rolling my eyes. "Sorry I'm just tired."

"It's uh...a pleasure to meet you too wolf. And it wasn't a big deal. Anyone could've done it. I just....happened to be in the area." I said as I looked away when I remembered the real reason why I was there..

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now