35. kyro

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5 minutes ago...

Surprisingly Kyro was still paralyzed but the paralization was wearing off slowly. He started to get his feeling back. He then hears heavy footsteps coming from behind him.

"Oh no....is it...a...hero?" He grunted.

"Relax....there's no need to be afraid, it's just me." The boss comes from within the shadows and walks up to Kyro and looks down at him.

"Get up." The boss demanded.

"....." Kyro shook in pain as he tries his hardest to get up.

"I said get up!"


"You MUST get up! GET UP KYRO!" He demanded again.

Kyro slowly starts to stand up as his body shook. He wipes his lips and looks up at the boss.

"Good...now I must say, you've disappointed me Kyro."

Kyro's eyes widened. "What?! Boss, we were set up! I had no idea that-"

The boss lifts his hand and Kyro shuts up.

"If you want to redeem yourself you must do something for me."

"Yes anything.." Kyro said as he got down on one knee and bowed.

"You must get rid of Izanami...kill.her."

Kyro's heart drops. He looks back up and says, "but...but sir we-"

"It was part of the plan after all....was it not? Having her merely for being our lab rat for many years until we perfected the drug before releasing it to the world. We have no use of her anymore. We need a new subject that won't be a problem like Izanami, which is why that boy is perfect." The boss said.

"Besides, she's getting a little too addicted to our drug....and soon she will turn her back on you and make that power her own. We don't want that to happen now do we? I've seen her and her reaction to it. Ever since we put more percentage in her....she's getting more addicted."

"Yes it has always been apart of the plan...but she can still be of use-"

"Don't talk back to me! Now get it done. If you fail me.....I won't hesitate to kill you." The boss interrupted and Kyro's eyes widened.

He bows again and says, "I won't fail you again...father."

The boss laughs and disappears in the shadows as his laughter fades away. Kyro stands up and scoffs as he makes his way to the field.

5 minutes later...

Izanami's heart drops at the words that out of Kyro's mouth.


As the dust clears, Hawks opens his wings slowly and looks down at ______.

"_-_____? ______!"

"Mmmm I'm...I'm fine.." she said as she slowly sat up and aches at a sudden pain. "augh ffuck."

"I...I need to get back out there....I was finally able to make her use...augh..her full power.." she panted. Hawks raises a brow but has a frown on his face as he's scanning her entire body. She was in the worst condition. Her eye was swollen and her face had cuts. Along with deep open cuts all over her body but the blood stopped. She was bruised up badly. It's impossible for someone to stay standing for someone hurt as badly as Saphira.

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