21. apology

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"Ugh Lucaaa!" ______ whined as Luca licked her face, trying to wake her up. Which after he goes to Dabi's face and licks it until he awoke.

"Ugh what the hell?" He groaned as he squinted his eyes keeping them close as he didn't want to get up.

He barks softly at us trying to wake us up.

I couldn't get mad at Luca. He's the most adorable thing on the planet.

"Ok ok I'm up Luca." I whined as I sat up rubbing my eyes as I'm yawning. Luca then continued to lick Dabi's face as he groaned.

"Lucaaaaa stooooop!" He groaned as Luca cried.

"Babe. He wants your attention." I said as I watched Luca continue to lick him which afterwards he starts pawing at his face.

"You're up, why don't you give him attention." Dabi whined.

"Babe it's like when you ask for my attention and I give it to you. But you get upset every time I don't."

"And your point is?" He replied.

"He wants YOUR attention not mine." She replied.

"And what does that tell you....he likes me more than you."

I scoffed as I threw a pillow at his head as he laughed.

"Ugh shut up. Plus it already 11:00 so get up."

"Really. Wow. Why can't we just stay in bed and cuddle all day huh?" He whined as he snuggled up against my body. Grabbing ahold of my waist. Luca got jealous that Dabi was giving me attention and not him. Luca crawls up on top of his body and bites his ear causing Dabi to sit up quickly as Luca rolled off his body.

"Argh you little brat!" He growled as he held his ear.

Luca cried as he gave Dabi puppy eyes.

"Well it looks like you're up now." I laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"Ima go wash up. Just give him YOUR attention mkay." I said as I got up and made my way to the shower.

Dabi sighed as he picked up Luca.

"Hmph. It looks like you and I are in need of attention. You don't like to be alone huh?" Dabi asked as Luca licked his face as he wagged his tail.


There was a sudden knock at the front door.

"I'll get it babe." I said as I made my way towards the door. Opening it only to see Katsuki.

"Hey Katsuki! Glad you can make it."

"Yeah yeah. Are you gonna let me in or what?" He scoffed.

"Jeez. How about 'how are you ______?'  What's up your ass today?"

"The fucking house arrest that's what!"

"You were on house arrest?" I asked as I let him inside.

"Yeah. I don't know how but Aizawa found out that I left after hours and also found out that I had gotten into a fight. I was on house arrest for three days! THREE DAYS _____!"

"Oh stop whining. It was only three days. Not three years."

"Whatever. It was annoying."

"But I guess that explains why you haven't texted me back. I was worried."

"Yeaah sorry about that. He took my phone too."

"You're fine."

Both Katsuki and I made our way into the living room where Dabi and Luca were as he played with him.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now