17. combo

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I woke up the next morning handing Haru back to Ells. She had thanked me for watching him and apologized for having him stay the night. But I didn't mind. I actually like Haru. He's a really good and sweet kid, with an amazing quirk. Who loves to eat....a lot. Especially sweets. He has a really big sweet tooth.

After a while I had made tea and went to the balcony just to enjoy the view while Dabi was still asleep. Suddenly my phone goes off as I get a text from Mina.

Mina 🌸
Hey girl!

What's up mina?

Mina 🌸
Wyd rn?? I need you ASAP!

What's wrong?

Mina 🌸
Nothing I just miss you girl😩 Come by UA! Let's hang out today!

Oh alright. I'll get ready rn I'll see you in an hour mkay

Mina 🌸
Okay see you soon😜

I showered and got dressed in some comfy clothes to go see Mina at UA. Putting my hair up in a messy bun and fixed my glasses as I pushed them up on my nose.

"Hey babe?" I said as I gently tapped Dabi's head as he was still asleep. He was cuddled up under the blankets.

"Mmmm" He groaned as he had his head buried in his pillow.

"I'm going to hang out with Mina today mkay. I'll be back tonight."

"Mmhmmm be...safe.." He groaned as he fell back asleep. I kissed him on his head causing him to smile in his sleep.


"Woah...this is UA on the inside? It looks more like a university campus." I laughed as I walked through the gates. Looking all around at the beautiful scenery. I texted Mina letting her know that I was passed the gate and Mina replied saying she'd be on her way right now.

"Hey you!"

"Hmm?" I turned around only to see a tall man with long black hair with dark circles under his eyes. He looked terribly exhausted. Like as if he hasn't slept for days..


"What are you doing here? Who are you?" He asked as his eyes glowed red as his hair stood up. He was very intimidating.

"I'm...I'm _____ Ogami..." I replied only to be interrupted by Mina.

"_______!" She yelled out running past the man who raised a brow and she jumped into my arms giving me a big hug.

"Mina what's the meaning of this??" He asked.

"Mr. Aizawa I invited her over so she can hang out with me!"

"On school grounds? Unauthorized visitors aren't allowed here. You should know that."

"Oh come ooonn Mr. Aizawa. She's a pro hero and it's the weekend Shouldn't that be enough clearance to come through?" She whined. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. I guess that man was Mina's sensei.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now