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"Don't you remember me?! It's me ______!"


Izanami was dozing off as she was remembering her encounter with Saphira.

"You're name isn't Izanami!! It's Michiru! We grew up together!"

She pictured Saphira's red eyes.


"Huh? What?"

"I asked you a question."

"What is it?"

"Are you ready for today's operation? You're a big part of it." Kyro said.

"Yeah yeah I know." She hops off the table and walks off.

"Hahahahaha awwwww Izanaaami are you embarrassed that you got stopped by a pro?" Iris teased as she leaned back into her chair. Izanami gave her a glare and growled, " Shut the hell up Iris!"

"Ohhh and she has a comeback! Why are you mad? You were easily taken down by a weak pro and-"

"I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!" She yelled and created a crystal blade and held it up to Iris's neck. Iris just blew a bubble from her gum, she wasn't scared at all.

"Go ahead and say another word unless you wanna keep that big head of yours." Izanami said and Iris glares at her popping her gum.

"Enough.." Kyro sighed. "Iris go and get the others prepared. We need to execute our plan efficiently."

Iris stands up and pushes her blade out the way and plays with her gum with her tongue and winks at Kyro. "Sure thing babe." Iris walks over to the door and looks back and says, " Next time you better put your dog on a leash Kyro....and by the way, you don't have the balls to kill me Izanami." She laughs and walks out.

Izanami scoffs and retracts her blade. She sighs and walks over to a nearby window staring at the view.

"You know Kyro..one of these days I might just actually kill your little girlfriend."

"Teh, you wouldn't dare lay a finger on her. Every single one of us plays an important part in this group."

"Yeah sure..." she replied as she continues to look out the window.

"Izanami....I've been meaning to ask. Why did you hesitate to kill Saphira yesterday? You're clearly stronger than her. You even disobeyed my order to come back to base." Kyro said as he puts down the blueprints and walks over to Izanami and stands behind her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied.

"Oh so you're denying it huh?"

Her eyes widened. "No! I'm not!"

"Then why didn't you kill her? Why did you disobey my command? Do I need to up your dosage and voltage on you? Is the drug wearing off already? Hmmm?" He asked as he got a little too close to her and starts rubbing her back sexually.

*sigh* I can't tell him why I didn't kill her....and the reason why. She's the person I keep remembering and is always on my mind....and I want to find out why... Izanami thought.

She elbows him in the gut which cause his to stop. "Back the fuck off, you have your big head girlfriend. I am not into you, I'm not into anyone. Listen...I didn't kill her because..there was no need to. We had what we needed from the lab. There was no reason for me to stay any longer than I needed to."

"But....you still disobeyed my order." He said as he made his way back to his seat. He crosses his legs and looks at her with his villainous green eyes.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now