51. the truth..

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A/N: It's finally here ladies and gents! The moment you've all been waiting for! 😈

‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

"Awwwww Dabi's in looove!" Toga says.

My eyes widened. I didn't expect villains to show up.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Tomura Shigaraki, and this is Toga Himiko and we're the League of Villains!" Shigaraki said as Toga blushes and is in awe seeing Dabi in love.

League of Villains I thought.

"What the hell are they doing here? And...how do they know your name Dabi?" I asked but Dabi just stood there in silence with his head down.

"What do you want from us?!" I growled clenching my fists.

"Ohhh so you haven't told her yet? Why don't you tell her Dabi since it seems she trusts you....well not for long of course." Shigaraki smirks.

"D-Dabi...what is he talking about?" I asked raising a brow.

Nothing was coming out of his mouth, all he did was tremble. I had no clue what was going on.

"Well, if he's not going to tell you...I'll go ahead and tell you myself."

Dabi looks up at Shigaraki with tears in his eyes. It wasn't that he was sad, but angry. Angry that Shigaraki was about to expose him for who he really is and ______ finding out the truth..

Tell me what? _____ thought.

Dabi grabs my hand and turns the other way. "Let's get out of here!" We quickly made a run for it but that's when a purple warp gate appears and it blocks our exit. We were trapped! Shigaraki comes closer and laughs and Dabi grits his teeth.

"You see...that man right there is a villain. He's been apart of our league for such a long time. He's been faking this entire time with you."

______'s heart dropped and her eyes went wide. It was like her whole world fell apart within seconds when he said those words.

What the hell did he just say?!

"I had sent him to retrieve you a while back and brought back to me. But he was taking so long AHAHAHA I just lost my patience! I thought he was having you play both sides of the coin as a hero and a villain like someone we have. But that wasn't the case. You are very valuable to us...your power that is. So I wanted to see what was taking him so long and this is what I find."

Her lips quivered as she looked up at Dabi and let go of his hand.

"Dabi...tell me. Is...is it true? Tell me this isn't true!!"

"Are you...a villain?"

She trembled.

He looks down at me as his lips quivered as he was afraid. He looks directly in my eyes with tears forming in his.

"Yes...it is..."

She gasps as she backs away slowly from him and tears start forming in her eyes. She shook as she felt terror.

So...a villain? Just like the type of person who killed my mom?

Imagining her mother's blood curdling scream while being torn apart.

This....this can't be real!

Immediately ______ starts reliving the memories her and Dabi cherished.

"You're so beautiful _____."

To the day they went to the carnival...

"Ha! I beat you! Looks like you're going to be the one to buy those funnel cakes Daaaabi!"

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