30. miles

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"Let me go!" Haru cried as he was held up against the wall with vines.

"Keep struggling brat, you're not gonna get free!" Tem laughed.

Kyro then walks in and walks downstairs where the rest of the group was. Izanami was sitting in the corner just watching Haru crying, struggling to get free.

Kyro's eyes widened when he sees the deep cut on Haru's face. "What the fuck happened to his face?!" He growled and turned back facing the group.

"Why don't you ask the newbie?" Tem laughed as everyone laughed except the newbie. Kyro glares at her and shivers went down her spine.

"Ray, did you do this to him?" He asked pointing towards Haru. Haru was silent as he watched them.

"Yes! Only because Izanami was trapped in his quirk! I just had to help her!" Ray cried. 

Kyro walks up to her slowly and leans down. "So what you're telling me is that you've underestimated Izanami....is that correct?" He asked as her eyes widened.

"N-No! I would never underestimate her! Please you have to understand!" Ray cried.

"Heh there are no room for errors in this organization. Why do you think we got rid of Hatake and Ryan...You should've known that when you joined us.." Kyro stands back up and walks away.

"Get rid of her.." Kyro ordered and Tem and another man grabbed ahold of her and she panicked.

"WAIT PLEASE! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS!! KYRO PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!" She kept screaming as she was dragged to a nearby room. Her cries continue until there was a loud gunshot, it was dead silent right after. Haru shook as he was terrified.

Haru starts crying, he was afraid that he might be killed too. Tem and the other man walk back into the room with blood splatters on their clothing.

Suddenly the vines on Haru's wrists became loose and he was eventually free. He stood up quickly and tried to make a run for it. His antlers glowed and large grass blades form from grass in between a crack on the floor and headed towards everyone but Izanami stopped him from getting away as she aimed crystals at him, crystals form on his hands and held him up against the wall. She shot more crystals towards him and covered his antlers before he made another move. The grass blades stopped right in front of Kyro's. He didn't flinch at all, he wasn't afraid of the kid. The blades fall to the ground and turn brown as if they died of thirst.

"What the hell?! How did that little brat get free?!" Tem growled.

"Ray's quirk must've worn off now that she's dead." Iris said.

Everyone looks back at Izanami as she scoffs. She didn't even move a muscle when she stopped Haru. She was still in the same position. Kyro smirks and looks back at Haru.

"Now, we have to do something about that injury." Kyro said. "Tem."

"Y-Yes Kyro?"

"Where's Miles? We need him to treat this boy. I need his quirk."

"Right away, I'll contact him right now sir." He replied as he pulled out his phone and sent a text to Miles. Immediately Miles comes running through the door panting. "I'm here!"

"Miles, I need you to heal this boy's injuries, and fast. We need to test our equipment on him later.."

"Oh....another one huh?" He looked away. He looks back up giving them a fake smile. "Don't worry I'll work on him as soon as I can!"

"Good." Kyro turns back around to the group.

"Iris, Tem, Kai, Miles, Riku, and Izanami. I'm only going to say this once and once only. There are no room for mistakes, or else
You'll have to pay the price. Now, everyone get your things ready. As soon as Miles is done treating this boy, we will start testing. And if this works..." he looks over at Izanami. "You'll be more powerful than ever." He smirks.

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