54. katsuki

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Katsuki's POV

After that spoonbill dropped me off at UA, I walked straight to the dorms with my hands in my pockets and head down. Once I walked in, I was immediately surrounded by everyone.

"BAKUGO!!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Hah?! What the hell do you idiots want?! Stop crowding me!!" I growled as everyone backed off a bit.

"Well, we heard what happened to ______.... Is she going to be alright?" Deku asked as I looked away.

To be honest I don't know.....especially with Shirou's death hitting her where it's home. I don't know how she's going to get through all of this. First her boyfriend being a villain to her best friend's death...she was pretty much _____'s family. Katsuki thought.

"Listen....she's recovering as of right now but.....her best friend....that wolf...she uh....died." I said and everyone gasps.

"So...we need to be there for _____. That wolf was basically the only person she had close to her and who was family...but we can't see her today. Not until she's feeling better."

And until that stupid bird isn't there. Katsuki thought.

"I can't believe the League would do such thing! That's so horrible! It surprises me that they're still making moves after going dark for a few years." Uraraka said.

"Yeah...and her boyfriend actually being a villain the entire time. Pretending with her.." Mina said as I clenched my fists.

I've always wondered why he was so mean....especially the day I met him when I picked up ______ for the beach. He was very defensive. Mina thought.

Everyone sat down in the lounge, coming up with a plan to make _____ feel better. But for me, I just ignored them and went straight to my room.

I've had enough for one damn day.

I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling with my hands behind my head.

"Please take care of ______ for me....it seems she sees you as a best friend....no actually more like her family. Protect her.."

I remembered Yuzu's words and I couldn't help but get angry. "Tch! Take care of her...how can I? I'm not strong enough to take care of her. I thought I was. I couldn't even do anything to help her that night!!" I grabbed my pillow and put it over my face and groaned.

I need to get stronger....in order to protect her. I need to train even harder everyday. Katsuki thought.

I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep. Hoping to sleep through the rest of the day. Hoping to sleep off...everything that happened.


The next morning I woke up around 6:24 am. I barely slept last night. I kept tossing and turning. With everything that happened within the past few days it was hard for me to even fall asleep. Knowing what _____ is going through I kept waking up throughout the night.

Having bad dreams. Dreams where I actually lost _____ and I wasn't there to save her...

Since class 1A is going to graduate in just 10 days, Mr. Aizawa has nothing left for us to do other then to mentally prepare ourselves for the hero world. So everyone just stayed inside their dorms until the day of graduation.

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