31. miles pt. 2

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_______ was panting hard as sweat drips down her face when she struck her ice. It was silent.

"_-______..." Katsuki muttered and walked over to her and his heart drops. She had missed his head by an inch. Her darkness fades away as she has little burns on her body and she retracts her ice. She sighs loudly.



"Where is....Izanami?" She asked and his eyes widened.


"Yeah that actually sounds way better." Hawks said as him and Endeavor were still trying to come up with a plan.

The door to the room opens wide and Miles gets thrown onto the table with rope tied around his body.

"What the hell?!" Hawks and Endeavor stood up.

Katsuki and I walked in and everyone was in shock and confusion.

"Kacchan! ______ you're back! What took you so long?" Deku asked as everyone surrounds the table.

"Sorry, we took a little detour thanks to our new friend right here." She laughed.

"______, who is this man?" Ells asked and everyone had their eyes on me.

"This here is Miles everyone, and he knows where we can find Kyro..."

Everyone's eyes went wide. Ells lips quivered and she immediately ran up to the table and grabbed him by the collar. "Where's my son?! Tell me where he is now!!"  She cried as tears stream down her cheeks.

"Ells..." ______ muttered.

"I....I can't tell you...." Miles said and looked away. I noticed he had this look in his eyes, he was sad, in pain, and filled with guilt. The same look he gave me years ago.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T TELL ME?! PLEASE TELL ME WHERE HE IS NOW!!" She cried and her voice cracked. And out of nowhere she pulls out a knife from her sleeve and held it against his neck and Miles eyes widened.

"Ells wait don't!" Everyone was up on their toes, stiff as a board. I had no idea Ells was like this. And where the hell did she get a knife from?!

"TELL ME!!" She cried.

"Hey Ells put that down now!!" Endeavor said.

"Ells...." Yuzu appears out of nowhere as smoke appears. Yuzu stood behind Ells and wrapped her furry arms around her tightly and Ells shook and she panted.

"Babe....please calm down...let him talk. Now put the knife down please..." Yuzu whispered in her ear and Ells started to shake with tears streaming down her cheeks and her eyes wide and she eventually lets go of the knife and let's go of Miles who falls back onto the table. Ells turns around and hugs Yuzu tightly.

I leaned down and picked up the knife and put it in between my garment belt.

"Shirou! Any luck finding Haru's scent?" Hawks asked.

"Unfortunately no, I found his scent for a bit but it disappeared. Whoever took Haru must have a quirk that blocks scents or at least masks it because all I smelled was a really bad odor."

"That was Ray..." Miles finally spoke and everyone turned to look at him. "Her quirk is...well was poison ivy. Her scent is disgusting, where ever she uses her quirk there's always a bad odor left behind from the poison."

"Miles..." I walked up to him and sat on the edge of the table and sat him up and held him by his shoulder.

"Do you remember me?" Do you know who I am?" I asked as I looked deep into his eyes. I never realized it before but his eyes were, amazing. The outline of a symbol in his eyes was phenomenal. It's probably his quirk, whatever that is.

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